Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hello! Had the Social Etiquette & Personal Grooming course today. In the morning, we went to the AVA room & there was a briefing on it. The trainers also came & gave us a talk about it. The talk is rather useful & educational because I get to learn how to eat in the correct manner in a high class restaurant or whatever. This will minimize the chances of me embarrassing myself in a posh restaurant? Haha. At around 10am+, we left the AVA room to walk to Safra for the "practical", & we saw the Japanese students at the Parade Square. Only managed to catch a glimpse of them.. When we reached Safra, we went to this place called Eatzi restaurant to have our lunch I think. Sat with Gwenlin, Sherica & Minqi. Had soup & garlic bread for appetizer & the soup tastes good. After that, the main course was being served. Chicken thigh or something? Not that nice though.. The carrot doesnt taste very good, neither do the chicken. Gwenlin was super unglam okay... She teared the whole chicken skin with her mouth straight from the plate without cutting it. She also used her knife & stabbed through the chicken? After the main course, we have the dessert (a small piece of coffee cake) & tea being served. I was the fastest eater & Gwenlin was the slowest eater xD After a very full meal, we walked back to school. We saw the Japanese students again, & this time round, we watched them played BB together with some other CCHY boys. All of them played very well haha. Then, after the match ended, I went to the library, but Doreen, Huiying & Sherica came up shortly in which they started to share about the photos they took with the Japanese students! Made me feel so envious haha. We kept on chatting about them, & they started telling me their experience with them. Sherica was like so crazy over this guy. At around 245pm, I left for Choir.. Nothing much already haha. Tomorrow's the last day of school already, well, not really the last day... There's still the extended programme waiting for us. =S
10:57 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, October 20, 2008
                       Hello I'm back from the bungalow! Overall was kinda fun.
Met Kailong, Jasmine & Pauline at Yishun at 8am. Was late again, but I'm not the last one to arrive =X After that, took bus 39 to Pasir Ris. Reached there, then went to White Sands' Fairprice to buy things. Then, waited for bus 403 at the interchange for damn long. Finally boarded the bus after near 20mins & Kailong led the way to the bungalow. At around 9plus or 10plus, Eileen & Evangeline came. Played Mahjong & watched tv, while the boys went out. Eileen & Evangeline then left during late afternoon or evening time while Jian Sheng & Lili & Joyce came. The boys started the BBQ fire at around 7pm+, & the girls went up to the master bedroom to chat. Had a great time catching up on one another after so long. I also had a great time talking to the rest of the people during the BBQ, when we all sat around the BBQ pit & starting chatting. Bathed at 12am+. After that, we watched "The Descent" at 1am+. The movie is quite okay, quite scary at some parts. Then slept for 1 hr till 4:30am. Went to watch sunrise, but we looked at the wrong side or something? So we ended up going back to the bungalow after 1 hr & continued sleeping till 1030am. Jasmine came at 9am+ I think & she came into our room & even took a picture of us sleeping. When we woke up, Xing Lai offered to make us milos to drink, & it turned out to be cold milo Zzz In the afternoon, we played at the game room. Playing Snap was funny, & Lili, Samuel & I started to speak cantonese for fun while playing. Had Canadian Pizza for lunch, in which every one of us paid $10 for it. I only ate 2 slices of pizza & I became very bloated? Went out to Pasir Ris Park at around 3pm+ if I'm not wrong... Played a little at the playground, took pictures, & sat at the breakwater. Looking at the sea, with the sea breeze blowing against me feels great. However, we did not get to stay there for very long because not long after, rain came pouring down on us. So we ran all the way back to the bungalow & were soaked. Rested, while some went to bathe. After that, we waited for the rain to stop before leaving the bungalow, together with the boys. Went to Macdonald to grab a bite before taking the bus home! =) At the end of the whole thing, my legs & arms were aching like hell. Is it due to the excessive build up of lactic acid in my muscle cells?? Haha. Slept at 9pm+, which is like so early. Today Had another Maths Trail today, but this time round, we're taking the sec 2s. I was still a leader; glad that I was not a station master cause it's boring. I took 2B reg. no. 6-10 which consists of 1 girl & 4 boys. Overall, they are rather funny & nice to interact with.. Not that mischievous or anything. & ya, we're not the last 10 groups to reach I think, & we're the 5th group =) We also managed to complete the Sudoku, or should I say, maybe half of it, cause the other half, my group members went to take dont know whose paper & copied the answers LOL. Then they happily went & help me summit the paper & told me that we're the 5th group. xD Well, that's about all for today =)
10:14 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hello!I'm here to update again. Had Maths Trail today which was rather okay.I took the reg no. 16-20 from 1B, but there were only 4 people in my group? 3 girls & 1 boy =)Then brought them around the school to their stations, & I thought that I was going too fast cause Miss Woo told us to slow down... In the end, we were like the last 9 groups to reach? -.-llWasted a lot of time at Cheuk Tow's station cause Miss Woo wanted the accurate answer for the area & perimeter of the link way. We counted our steps for like 2 or 3 times for the length of the link way, & it's so damn tedious..Some even went to take the measuring tape to measure Zzz. Eventually, we got the correct answer from this boy, who told us that the length of the link way is 5092cm. We got the correct breadth from Cheuk Tow which is 451cm. By the time we reached the sports hall, almost all the groups had finished... & we're like so late haha. Then we started to do the Sudoku. To be honest, it's my first time doing it cause I think I have been rather lazy to spend time on this? But still, I think it's kinda fun haha. When I was doing halfway, Aloysius, Shi Hui & Shirley told me that I had to go already. So reluctantly, I got up & left with me haha.Went to eat something at the canteen, after that, we went up to the staff room to look for Mdm Chen for taxi $$$ cause it was raining heavily. We finally got a cab at 1pm cause no cab wanted to take 5 people... Reached there at around 140pm. Late for like 10mins, but luckily, there was these students from another school who were late too haha.Went in, then listened to the briefing blah. Filled in some form, then went to check which choir we're in. Sad to say, I'm in SATB, the festival choir B, while Deborah is in SSA. T.T Sigh. Didnt know that they'll separate us.... & I dont know a single person from there. Also, we're supposed to learn 11 songs to perform. Some are in foreign languages which I wonder how I'm gonna memorise all the lyrics. Sigh, hope that things will turn out fine.After that, took the bus home, 1hr ride back to Yishun I think... So damn long!Chatted a lot with Shirley during the ride haha.Finally reached home at 5pm+.Anyway, I'm going to the bungalow tmr till Sunday... Haha, wonder how it'll turn out...I wonder why I dont feel excited about it... I guess something is bothering me..& ya, I came across this nice part in this storybook titled "Getting the Boot" by Peggy Guthart Strauss.Friendship by Marcus Tullius Cicero.The most difficult thing in the world is for a friendship to remain unimpaired to the end of life.So many things might intervene: conflicting interests; differences of opinions in politics; frequent changes in character.Let this, then, be laid down as the first law of friendship, that we should ask from friends, and do for friends, only what is good.But do not let us wait to be asked either...Let us have the courage to give advice with candor. How can a life be worth living which lacks that repose which is to be found in the mutual goodwill of a friend?What can be more delightful than to have someone to whom you can say everything with the same absolute confidence as to yourself?The greatest of all things is Friendship.
8:17 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Skies   Fake Rose  Japanese FOOD!          Bought Ayumi Hamasaki's A Complete album! Super happy =D She looks so gorgeous!   Hello! I'm back!!! HAHA! Exams are finally over & it's time to slack. Well, I dont think that I'll actually do well for this EOY? Feel that I didnt really prepare myself well... Anyway, went out to eat & watch movie with friends today! Didnt went out for at least 2 weeks because of the EOY. Was late because of the bus but Xing Lai was the last one to reach.. Went to Ichiban Sushi for lunch! Love the food there =) & the bill was $137 haha. After that, went to watch "House Bunny" without Xinglai because he needed to rush back to school. The movie is really nice! Haha. Didnt buy any popcorns cause we were very full. Hsin Lu left after the movie because he had to go & watch the same movie with different people lol! So Pauline, Mary & I went to the library to borrow books. On our way there, Mary spotted Miss See from some distance away & we waited for her boyfriend's car to drive pass, & we wave to her! Lol. I was feeling very happy seeing her & could not stop laughing =X Think I'm overreacting. After borrowing my books, Pauline & Mary wanted to play swings, so we went over to the playground. Finally, at around 5pm+, we went home & I was super tired after the whole thing.
9:01 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, October 06, 2008
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I wanna go bang the wall & kill myself.E.maths paper was not hard but I still left several blanks!Made careless mistakes & forgot my a.maths stuffs about the bisector & that parallelograms have the same mid point. Forgot my density formula & ended up writing Volume divided by Mass instead of Mass divided by Volume. Initially I even wrote Density=Mass times Volume! How dumb can I get!?!Oh my god, I don't wanna get lousy marks for my e.maths!!!Estimated that 20m have flew away already.............................Super depressing..............................................SS was okay....At least I did my essays questions this time round.But I think that my answers for the SBQ are crap! Had no time to really think carefully about what to write.& my handwriting for SS was super untidy & ugly cause I was rushing through.Zzz.Finished venting my frustrations already. Time to study again.
8:46 PM
Yours truly.