Sunday, August 31, 2008
 Jellyfish. I mistook the dish on the 1st pic for this. In the end, I couldn't finish it cause I don't really like the taste =X Kind of wasted.     Suki Sushi   Look at Gwenlin's smile on her face!    Botak Jones!  Instant Noodles with egg. The york looks nice.  This is scary~ LOL! Can't help laughing everything I see this picture.  She looks funny here.  Penguin expression Minqi & Sherica's "big achievements".
Hello!! I'm finally here to blog again! Have been feeling really lazy when it comes to blogging... Anyway, the September Holidays is HERE! =D But we're sort of bombarded with homework...
Did CIP work on tuesday, 26/8. We were the last class to set off cause there were some problems going on... Nonetheless, we still made it in time I think. We went to Blk 870 (hope that I didnt remember wrongly) to collect newspapers, magazines, old clothes etc from the residents! Splitted up, & I was with Mary & Gwenlin. We were quite pathetic cause all the doors that we knocked or approached were either not answered, or that they don't have anything to donate to us. But still, we managed to get a pile of newspapers & a bag of old clothes from this generous resident. =D After that, we met Sherica & Min Qi on the way, & we helped them to move their stuffs to the lift. They collected so much stuffs from the residents there! Way much than us??? Haha. Was quite amazed. We moved all the stuffs to another void deck, & it started to rain not long after. Stayed there until the truck came to collect our stuffs, then we walked back to school in the small rain.
Friday we had the Teachers' Day celebration & there was no lessons =D But before that, we did the Aces Day exercise at 8am. I can still remember that someone farted in the hall, & it was so damn smelly! LOL! Then, I thought of the fart, & I'd feel very gross cause I'm breathing in the air. =X After that went back to class for contact time, & had recess... After recess, we had the concert! It's was really interesting=) Not the least boring at all I think... Finally, the concert ended! & Pauline, Mary, Gwenlin & I went to blk 700+ to eat Botak Jones! The food there is quite nice... But I regretted not ordering the Fish & Chips. Lol. After eating, we walked all the way to Mary's Pri.Sch to take a look before heading to the playground, as Pauline & Gwenlin want to play swings... Stayed there for quite some time, then went to buy some drinks before going back home!
Gwenlin & Pauline came to my house yesterday.
We played UNO, Cluedo, & a bit of the sims. I couldnt take out my Game of Life & Monopoly cause my drawer is stuck. They stayed till 6pm plus..
Had dinner at Suki Sushi which is located at the Kbox Plaza. The Japanese food there is quite ok, but of course, they're not as good as Sakae Sushi or Ichiban Sushi. The total bill is $54++. After that, shopped a bit before going hom
Well, that's all for today. Gonna cut my hair with Pauline & Gwenlin tomorrow~ Hope that it will turn out fine.
11:35 PM
Yours truly.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hello! I'm back to update! Shall start talking about my CT results then. C.Chem's result was quite good ^^ Failed my combined humanities badly again because of my SS! I didn't cite examples to support in my essay, which I got a pathetic 3 marks out of 13. Haha. English was okay... Geog was not very well done... Just passed. E.maths was badly done... Sigh! So that's all for my results.
Last Friday, Mary, Gwenlin & I walked all the way to blk 800+, somewhere near the Yishun Stadium & the Condo, to distribute flyers regarding the collection of newspaper on this coming Tuesday. See, we're so good right? At least we did give out the flyers. Gwenlin was like complaining of tiredness after climbing 2-3 flights of stairs -.-ll After that, we went to Northpoint's foodcourt to have our lunch. We went home to get changed & brought our rackets. At around 4pm+, we met again, & went to Pauline's house there to play badminton! But most of the time, it was Gwenlin & I playing, while Mary & Pauline kept taking photos. We went home only at 7pm+ but I felt very good to do some exercise after some time =D Hope that I can play badminton again real soon!
Yesterday, I went to my uncle's house cause his baby son "man3 yue4". Haha, but I didn't really get to play with his baby... I spent most of my time watching TV! I watched "Huang3 Jin1 Lu4" at my grandma's house initially, then at my uncle's place, he played "the pirates of the caribbean: at world's end" for us to watch! Although I've watched it before, but it's still good to watch it again =D The movie ended at 9:58pm, & that's when we all went home.
Had my first Physics tuition with Gwenlin today at 1pm... Well, it was quite torturous! I sat there, doing 3 pages of questions for like 2 hours I think. Haha. It finally ended at 3pm+ nearing 4pm... Sometimes I don't really understand what he is talking about..... & occasionally, he'll be laughing at some mistakes?? I don't know.. but it was quite zibi anyway... After that, went to play SDO in Gwenlin's computer. (Need to let my brain relax after squeezing all my brain juices & killing my brain cells over physics kinematics) Gwenlin taught me Amaths too O.O Haha. Finally went home at around 5:50pm =D & not forgetting, today marks the end of the Beijing Olympics! The duration of the Olympics seems to be quite short.. Only 16 days... =( I started watching the closing ceremony at 9pm, cause I overslept by 1 hour... But I'm glad that I didn't miss it haha. Gonna watch movie tomorrow I think.. Haha.. There's also physics practical tomorrow on lenses...
6:29 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, August 18, 2008
 Our newly-bought bears! (But they look like corpses lying on the seat here xD)  Our Chewy Juniors! Don't know why they look so black in the picture.  NeoPrint Machine  Hotair Balloon!
      Hello! Went to Bugis yesterday with 2 pigs & penguin! Had lunch in this expensive restaurant (Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao) where I don't see any teenagers like us going in. LOL. Ordered Xiao Long Baos & La Mian. Initially, I was sharing the La Mian in Sichuan's style with Gwenlin, cause the waitress said that it was not very spicy. But when our La Mian came, the bowl was orange-red. Gwenlin took a first bite of it, & was choked by it LOL. So she had to order another bowl which was tastier & cheaper than mine! Well, guess I made the wrong choice by ordering this haha. The bill was $44.60 O.O After that, Pauline went to buy the Chewy Junior before we proceeded to Bugis Street! Walked around for quite some time, & finally, the 4 of us bought a slogan tee each for $10 =D I like the shop owner, cause she's funny & friendly. Bought 2 pairs of earrings too! Very nice hehe. Before leaving Bugis Street, the each of us bought a small bear with a small watch to hang on our school bags which I did not cause the colour didn't match =( But I'd try to hang it somewhere I guess... Then we headed back to Bugis Junction. Bought a top from PureMilk before going to take neoprints! We went to the basement again & started buying food lol. After all the eating & drinking, we bought chewy juniors (as recommended by Pauline) before taking the mrt home.
Got back Amaths, Chinese & Bio results today but we couldnt get back the paper to check because some of them haven't take the test yet. A maths was okay, but it'll be better if I scored 1-2 marks more haha. Chinese was not well done... Should have done better in my first section... Maybe I should try reading more chinese newspaper! But the chinese teacher is really good! He tried to give us marks for the comprehension section which resulted in many people going to him asking for more marks LOL. I managed to gain 1 more mark, at least better than nothing... haha. Bio was okay too.. But I thought I could score better than that =( Gonna get back Physics, Emaths, Chem tomorrow? Physics is a sure fail... Then for Emaths.... Don't have much confidence too... Sigh, gonna get scoldings from teachers tomorrow I guess? I pinning all my hopes on Chem now HAHA. Don't let me down =(
11:45 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hello! I'm finally here to updateee! Common Test is officially over! Woots, feel so carefree & relax now. But then I guess I can only allow maybe 2-3 days of relaxation because I gonna start concentrating & doing my schoolwork seriously... The CT started on Tuesday, where we had Comb. Chem & Bio papers, & chinese paper. Chem & Bio was quite okay, but for the Chinese paper, I think the teacher said that it was not very well done cause there was people getting 0 for the comprehension section?? I'm not too sure too... =( Wednesday's papers were my least confident subjects & there are E.maths & Physics. I didn't study enough for physics so I guess I should not expect myself to pass... T.T E.maths paper was average I guess, however, I still made mistakes & there are some parts which I don't know how to do too... Maybe I'd just get a mere pass?? Sigh. Had elective geog, SS & English papers yesterday. English was quite okay, but for geog & SS, I'm not really sure how I'd fare.. Most probably bad results? Mary mentioned that for geog, cause there were questions on the sketching of landforms diagrams & explaining them, the total number of diagrams that we drew only contains 1/6 marks. & if we didn't label our diagrams, we'll get 0 for it. Damn... I don't wish to fail my comb. humanities.... Today is the last day for CT, which we had A.maths paper! This paper was the easiest I think... While doing the paper, I thought I could aim for full marks, but in the end I lost 2marks due to miscalculations? Haha, guess I'm overconfident xP Should have check my paper even more carefully... Then after recess, during E.maths lesson, as expected, we got another scolding because of our bad performance for the emaths common test paper. Sigh, guess that I have to work doubly hard for emaths already! She always send shiver down my spine when she scolds... I'm like so damn afraid that she'll call my name man.. The suspense in class during that lesson was really killing me; I could not concentrate on my work & I kept on staring at her & the clock, praying for her lesson to end quickly. LOL! Think I'm really crazy. Mrs Ang didn't come for lesson during Geog, so we had this free period where Xing Lai taught me how to make paper cranes haha. I also had fun, laughing & talking with people. Especially when I saw Jian Sheng's note which says : Missing U. He was gonna give it to somebody I guess? xD HAHA! After school, stayed in class to wait for the HMT pupils to be released. Then there's this 3 guys who came & told us to clear all the books under our classroom tables, sweep the floor & arrange the tables nicely because Kenneth Ng was coming to check the classrooms. So I went to sweep the floor & some others went to clear the books xD
Went to Causeway Point with Gwenlin, Sherica, Min Qi, Xu Hong, Pauline & Mary! Bought my Japanese CD & we shopped a bit. At around 3+pm, we went to KFC for lunch. After that, Pauline, Mary, Gwenlin & I went to the library cause I wanna borrow books! =D Stayed there until 6pm, before going back to Causeway to buy something & back home! Saw Yu Hui on the way home & Shi wei saw me again Haha! That's about all for today! Gonna go out this weekend~ Yay, shopping~
7:43 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Hello!! Well today Singapore celebrates her 43 years of independence! & I shall hereby wish Singapore Happy Birthday! =D Nothing much today, woke up at 11plus, then start to study at around 1plus I think. Watched the NPD'08 at Channel 8 on 5:45pm till around 8:15pm. Well, the fireworks was so spectacular! A pity I could only watch it on TV haha. Anyway, I can catch a bit of the fireworks from my room's window but it is too far away & I could not see the fireworks clearly.
Yesterday was the 08/8/2008 which was the CCHY Family Bazaar & also the beginning of the Beijing Olympics! The Bazaar went quite smoothly & I had fun =D Walked around the Bazaar during the first 2 hours. Bought stuffs to eat & drink. I like the Italian Soda made by 3H girls =D It was niceee =D Then played 1 game at 3G's stall. I nearly reached the finishing point when the balloon suddenly burst -.-ll Haix, in the end I got nothing T.T After that, Gwenlin & I went back to our class's stall & at 11am, we took over our duty. Started to cut & peel off the skins of the fruits. There was 1 time when I accidentally used the satay sticks & poke my hand so hard that it bleed a little lol. The mashmallows sold out very quickly & quite a number of people like to eat banana lol. Nearing the end of the Bazaar, we went off to watch 3G's game, "U jump, I jump". There was several guys trying the game & it was quite interesting to watch. After a while, we were called back to help clear our stall so we could not continue watching =( After the whole thing, I went to the NTUC at Khatib Central with Jasmine & Pauline to buy a few bottles of sparkling juice for next tuesday. Had a hard time carrying them back to school cause I was tired after the whole day. Xinglai was very kind to open the backgate for us & to bring us cakes. He also tried to lock Pauline outside which was damn funny. Finally reached Jasmine's house at 2pm+ I think, bathed, & cooked maggie mees to eat. Xinglai, Samuel & Hsin Lu came after that & they were very kind to buy Mac for us to eat! We went up to Jasmine's brother room after eating. Stayed till 7pm... Then when we were walking to the bus stop, with Jasmine, Alan & their dog, the dog bit off his lease & they went "dog hunting" for like 15mins or so. Lol. Finally reached home at around 8:11pm & quickly tuned in to channel 5 for the grand opening of the Beijing Olympics. Was glad that I didn't miss it =) Felt sleepy at around 9plus nearing 10. I was waiting for the Singapore team to appear but after so long, it still did not appear so I went to sleep cause I couldnt take it anymore. Haha.
Think I should stop now... I'm seriously not in the mood to mug for my CT but I have no choice. Haix!
10:16 PM
Yours truly.