Monday, July 28, 2008
Some pictures of "The Dark Knight" taken from Flixter =)        Christian Bale!!! =D   Nemo is so cute!  Samuel & Xinglai  The fried mars bar.  Samuel & Xinglai ordered the pizza   Me & Pauline at the neoprint shop.  The neoprint we took xD Hello!
I went out again on last Saturday to have an early birthday celebration for Samuel!
Well, it went quite well & we enjoyed ourselves during that day =)
We shared the price & bought the Pooh Bear soft toys for Samuel.
Watched "The Dark Knight" at Cineleisure which I did not regret watching. The movie is worth the money & has left a deep impression on me. Although I did not catch the first movie, "Batman Begins" but it doesn't really matter because overall, I can still catch the story.
Christian Bale acted as Bruce Wayne/Batman which in my opinion, is really handsome & charming! Then we have "The Joker" acted by Heath Ledger, however, he had already passed away from an accidental prescription drug overdose. I was rather shocked to see the news of his death but still, he is really a great actor as he played the role well. & if you are observant enough, you'll see Edison Chen appearing in the movie too! But his role was so minor that he appeared for around 10secs or so. What's worst is that we can only see his side view. How pathetic is that?!
Overall, the movie is really fabulous! Although some parts, the Joker appears to be really frightening!
Oh ya, before we went to watch the movie, we ate something at Pastamania & took neoprints! (After so long) Haha.
After the movie, we proceeded to Dhoby Ghaut!
Had our dinner at the food court, & shopped a bit. Before leaving, we also tried out the "Fried Mars Bar" that was recommended by Mdm Nora! Quite delicious =)
So I guess that's about all for that day!
I had enough sleep today & did not feel like dozing off during any of the lessons except for Geog lesson, which was like nearing the end of the day. Mrs Priya was kinda upset by us today & she walked out of the class. Sigh sad... Had Physics practical today too & the experiment was definitely easier than last monday's. What's more was that it was done in pair work so Mary (the physics pro) helped me quite a bit during the calculation parts. Haha. We took pictures of the glass block too because it's cool lol.
Sigh, school seems boring~ It's the same old routine everyday... So dull!
Common test is coming, in like 2 weeks! =(
Time really passes by so fast...
11:35 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hello,Well today was not a very good day for me because I did not do my Geog test & my SPA exercise well. I did try to study for the Geog test since last weekend? But I guess I didnt study hard enough because I felt rather slack on last Fri & Sat.I sort of mix up my facts for my structured questions & I just described about the beach without serious thinking. I wrote destructive waves when it should have been constructive waves! Die...Then after school went to Physics lab to do a "simple" experiment as mentioned by Mrs Chan & she said if we were fast enough, we would have spent around 10-30mins doing it? In the end, I spent nearly an hour doing it & not doing it correctly. I am totally clueless. Lol... I think I can go & bang the wall already. Sigh, I wonder how the real thing will be like.. Since I can't even handle this, I think it's highly impossible for me to do the actual SPA experiment.Okay, enough of all these depressing stuffs.I'll just have to try my best...Last but not least, common test is gonna be here soon & it's time to study hard again!Sigh!!! =(Missin' you
9:24 PM
Yours truly.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
 Group Photo =)  EarthQuake. (The picture was not well taken because we were in a rush to start eating HA!)   My black pepper chicken with Onion Rings & French Fries! Yum Yum xP
My drink
 LOL pauline!
The place where we had our dinner!
 The bear wearing Huamin's PE attire xD
6 Gandhi! But it is in a different classroom
Looks like a Haunted House
I like this one a lot x) All the ants eating the candies.
This is done by my classmates from 6Gandhi' 05
 Some of these drawings are by 6 Gandhi' 05 too! Hello! Well, yesterday was a great day! =D Because... It was Pauline Lim & Mrs Choo's birthday!!! Happy belated birthday =D Anyway, it was also Huamin's Open House yesterday, so I went back with some pri.sch friends to visit the school. Met Madeline at 11am at the front gate, then after that, we saw Sherica, Min Qi & Xu Hong at the canteen. We waited for Jian Yi to come before touring the school together & recalled about our pri.sch life. Of course, there were also changes to the school like for example, the new art gallery. Met a few teachers, chatted a bit, then I had my lunch. It was great to see my pri.sch mates again! Stayed till 1:10pm before leaving. Went home, then took a short nap... In the end, I woke up only at 3:30pm, & quickly prepare myself to go out lol... Reached NP & found out that I was not the last one haha but Jasmine arrived shortly after. So we took the MRT to Bishan before taking the bus to erm East Coast. The bus journey was really long, probably the longest that I had ever taken? Haha. Chatted a lot on the bus & the bus nearly hit a vehicle, I forgot what really happened but it not the bus driver's fault. Then Samuel & Xing Lai were like "thrown" forward LOL. We finally alighted at the Upper East Coast terminal which we got a bit lost... Walked out of the terminal to a bus stop, & took a double-decker bus to dont know where. We kept taking buses around cause we're not familiar with the place.. In the end, we finally reach at around 6pm plus. xD The place is very nice, but most importantly, the food is tasty & affordable! Must thank Jasmine for her recommendation x) When we were eating half-way, we started talking about our lower sec life & it got more & more hilarious. We laughed like mad & I had tears in my eyes lol! Our stomach muscles were like so pain from laughing so much & we couldnt eat properly. Jasmine even spat out her drink xD After eating, we decided to take the bus to Tampiness. Samuel & Xing Lai went to buy 2 slices of cake for Pauline while we were at the toilet & the Times Book Store. Went in to Swensens! & Ordered EarthQuake! Sang birthday song for Pauline & the manager joined in too. Finally finished eating at around 10pm plus & we took bus 969 home =) *still in love
4:18 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
 My beautiful rose! But sadly, it wilted after 1 day plus =(  Hee, I love to take pictures of the beautiful sky nowadays. See the smiles on their faces LOL. Pauline's mahjong tiles are so pretty =D Melted Chocolate The strawberries look so nice & appealing here although I didnt eat any of them xD Mashmellows In the process of melting the chocolates.
Hello! Changed my blogskin already =) Think that this is better than the previous ones? Cause the navigations were not so visiblein the previous skins... I changed my blog song too! This is Aragaki Yui's first single haha. Anyway, today, Pauline invited Gwenlin & I to her house for chocolate fondue! Met Gwenlin at the 804 bus stop before meeting Pauline at the 200 plus market. Then went to buy the ingredients that were needed to make the fondue. There were 3 bars of chocolates, biscuits, mashmellows & strawberries! The choices were kinda limited because of limited funds. Haha. Melted the chocolates, & started dipping the biscuits & mashmellows in it. It tasted so heavenly, but after a while, it was kinda sick & I also started to feel very sinful cause chocolates will make me fat!!! So we put the fondue aside & went to cook our cup noodles. Other than eating, I did my emaths homework, played neopets, & most importantly, mahjong! =D I love to play mahjong although I keep losing =X Played until around 5pm+, & we went for a last round of the chocolate fondue before going home =P So that's about all for today! *damn it, my legs' muscles hurt like hell!!! I can't walk comfortably, I have problems sitting down & I cant run at all! Argh... Why do I always want to see you?
11:37 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hello! Back to update again =) Anyway, today's PE lesson was a real torture for me! He made those who failed the standing broad jump to run 3 rounds around the sports hall as warm up. Then after running, he asked us to stretch our legs before jumping. I could not pass & he called me to run another 2 rounds. Thanks Cheuk Tow for accompanying me to run xD After running, I jumped again & I failed again Zzz. He then called the whole group out, those who failed 2.4km run & the 5 items to run around the school for 2 rounds. What the hell man. I told him I didnt fail my 2.4km run but he said it's good for me, can train for dont know what. I forgot what he said =X So no choice have to run loh. But most of the time I walked cause I dont have much energy already! Wa, stupid man. Gonna see him again next tuesday! Hope that I don't have to run again cause they're having the 2.4km rerun I think. Why did they change Mr Yong away!!! Sigh, human-beings tend to take things for granted. We'll only start to regret or miss that person when he is really gone T.T Why can't I just pass the stupid standing broad jump & end all the sufferings lol. What's worst is that he know my name! Omg man... Lessons were like usual, nothing much special just that on Tuesday & Thursday, we had some free periods. Slacked a lot, especially yesterday, cause 3 teachers didnt come for lessons haha. Had this maths quiz yesterday too, during the assembly period. & I think I'm being very bad this week for pon-ing the SS lecture & CCA. Hope that I dont do it again x( To end off, I feel very fortunate to have this Chinese teacher to teach me =) Think he's really good; the second best chinese teacher that has taught me during my 3 years in CCHY lols! I must work hard for my chinese!!! Haha, think I'm a bit crazy so you all can ignore me =)The feelings is still there...
10:36 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Hi, It's been ages since I've last blogged. This is the second week of school already & there's been tests, homeworks & tuitions, which explains why I haven't been blogging. Anyway, today was Chung Cheng High School's 69th Anniversary so went back to school at around 2pm+ in the afternoon. Was having serious cramps this morning but it gradually got better as the day goes by. We sat at the back, on those theatre-like chairs & not plastic chairs =D Mrs Sim was near us throughout the whole thing but she was funny & nice. Unlike normal school days which was good haha. There was performance by the Festive Drums, parade by the uniform groups, speeches by important guests & principals, video clips of both schools, Chinese dance by CCHM, Band by CCHM, CO by CCHY & the solo Guzheng performance by CCHY. Hope that I didn't leave out any... Overall, it was quite okay but we were freezing inside the Hall... Performance by the CO was really great I think & they continued playing even when the celebrations had ended. Was dismissed at around 6pm+++? I don't remembered the time. Then bused to Northpoint with Pauline to buy correction tape & food from Pasar Malam. While we were at the Pasar Malam, Mrs Priya suddenly called me from behind which surprised me xD Cause I didn't expect to run into a teacher at the Pasar Malam. Went home at around 8:20pm... When will I have the courage ?Why don't I even have the courage to go & talk to him?I really don't know what I really want.I feel like a loser, I'm losing hope & everything.Sometimes, I feel really weary. But I don't wish to let go because I know that I haven't really tried anything yet.
10:07 PM
Yours truly.