Saturday, May 31, 2008
The first week of the holidays are coming to an end already & finally I have the mood to update my blog lol. So I shall begin from the start of the week. Monday Went to Clarke Quay "The Central" to shop with Joyce, Pauline, Mary & Gwenlin. We had pepper lunch for lunch =D Then went outside to take pictures before continuing to shop. Shall let the pictures do the talking then cause I cant really remember what happened. Tuesday Had Physics Crazy Day which was quite fun & torturing at the same time. We had fun learning & we managed to go home 1h30mins earlier than the expected time, which was 5pm. We didnt have any tests on that day too! We studied at the classroom, then proceed to the computer lab to go to asknlearn to learn about physics. But sadly, both Mary's & my computers cant load the pages at all. So we ended up not doing anything Zzz. Finally, we went to the lab to do some simple experiment regarding data logging etc. & ya, it was torturing during some parts of the lesson cause I was feeling really sleepy! I was struggling to keep my eyes open, probably because I didnt have enough sleep. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Stayed at home during these 3 days, doing some homework & watching taiwanese drama! Haha. I finally get to watch "Tian Guo De Jia Yi" after so long! The drama was shown in 2004 which was like so long ago haha. Think it's a really nice drama =) Today Went out with family to the National Museum cause admission is free & it's beem 1 year since I've last visited the museum. After that, at around 5plus, we left for Plaza Sing to have our dinner & to shop. Wanted to buy new shoes there but couldnt really find 1 that suits me. So in the end, didnt really buy anything =( Lol. Anyway, that's about all for today I guess.. Bye! *pardon me for my laziness to upload all the photos.
9:35 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hello!Today is the last day of school for term 2! Hooray!Okay, ya I went back to school with my father at around 5pm for the MTPS. It was so awkward! Maybe I'm really not used to bringing my parents to school cause it seems weird to me. Well mainly the problem with me is that I'm too quiet & not asking any questions if I have any doubts. That's what Mrs Choo & Mrs Chan told me..Then what I have the potential to do well, just that I have to work hard during the June holidays, especially for my Physics. Mrs Choo & Mrs Chan know that I didnt really push myself hard enough, for I didnt complete my ten-year series & stuffs like that. Lol. Throughout the whole conversation, I think I spoke less than 5 sentence? I was sitting there, listening, looking at them & smiling occasionally Lol. That's all I did cause I didnt know what to say...Or rather, I dont dare to speak in front of 2 teachers & my father Zzz. Anyway I got the 10th position in class which was like so unexpected cause I feel that I didnt prepare myself well for the SA1 & all my results are like so crappy... Okay, enough of all these since it's all over =) Shall work harder then! Hope that I can spend my holidays wisely...Looking forward to the outings with friends! Going shopping, KBox, WWW, Gwenlin's house & the Sentosa Underwater World job attachment! Hehe.I'm lacking the courage & I wonder is this what I really want all along.I dont want to repeat the same mistake that I have made in the past.
8:32 PM
Yours truly.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hello! I've finally changed my blogskin after so long! Okay, hmmm, the claymation programme ended today & I'm glad that I've learned something new. (Well, I think everyone did lols) I finally understand the technics to do claymation! Anyway, most of the time, we used the computer to watch something (especially horror stuffs), play games or chit-chat. & I wanna thank Joyce for the company if not I think I'd die of loneliness. Ha! On the whole, I think every team did a very nice job =) Plus the trainers, Ken & Alan are very friendly & nice. Ken is very funny & cute lol! Oh ya, Joyce & I ran into Miss See when we were walking around the school 2 times & it was quite scary cause she'd questioned us where we're going etc & look at us with her big eyes Lols. So tomorrow's the last day of school for term 2! Finally...But there's still lessons... I'm getting very slack these days because the mid-year exams are over & I dont have any motivation to study at all...Maybe after receiving my crappy result slip tomorrow, I'd be motivated to study. What's worst is that I have to wait till the evening then I can take my result slip cause I'm down for MTPS. Mrs Choo said I am too quiet in class...O.o I dont think I am anyway. Lol. Hmmm, I've run out of things to say already..Think I should stop here then =) Bye! Being able to see you makes me feel happy
10:10 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hello,Here to do this quiz passed to me by Lili.1.Do you wish to get married?Haha of course! But it's still early to think about that.2.What do you want the most now?Erm, lots of things.3.Who is the person you trust most?There's quite a few of them.4.Do you think you have enough confidence?After getting back such results, I dont think so.5.If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?Hmm, find true happiness maybe? Or get brilliant results =D6.Are you satisfied with yourself?Er... Don't think so.7.What you hate about yourself?Not hardworking/smart enough xD8.Do you believe in eternity love?Think so.9.What will you do if your he/she hugged you?Erm, depends on who's the one hugging me.10.Who do u wish to see now?No one in particular currently.11.What kind of ppl do you hate?Flirts, Hypocrites, those who do not know their own limit.12.What feeling do you hate the most?Disappointment.13.Do you trust every friendship of yours?Erm, should be..14.Do you treasure your family?Yes. That's kinda obvious I think..15.Who do you confide in most of the time?My close friends.16.What do you regret most in your life now?Hmmm, can't think of any right now. Maybe there's too much =X17.Why are you doing this quiz?Cause I was tagged by someone.18.Are you happy now?Not really.19.Who you like or love?Him.20. What do you like to do?Sleep! Shop! & more lols.Instructions:Remove 1 question from above and add in ur personal question.Make it a total of 20 questions.Tag 8 people in ur list.List them out at the end of this post.Notify them in their chatbox that he/she have been tagged.Whoever gets the tag, would have a blessing from all.Lol, I don't know who to tag... Just do it if you feel like it. XDFeel so unhappy. Sigh.
8:27 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Hello,Well, yesterday was Mother's Day & I went out with my family in the late afternoon to Vivo City to shop abit before going to East Coast Park to have our dinner. All the restaurants there were so full with people so in the end, we dined at Long Beach. Anyway, I really like going to the beach, & I like the sea a lot. Because when I'm standing there, looking out to the big sea, with the wind blowing against me, I feel very relaxed & calm, & I'll start to think about a lot of things in this world. This also makes me realise how vast the world is, that I should not be trapped in my own world. There's lots more but I think I shouldnt continue with it Haha. & ya, got back my results today, not all but more than half haha. Passed E.maths, Chem & Bio but failed SS & Physics. Okay, I think the whole class failed SS, dont know why.. All my SBQ answers are lvl 2/2 only. So Zzz. So the SBQ pulled my marks down by a lot, plus I didnt complete 1 question of my SEQ. So this is kinda of expected I guess. Physics...Hmm, I'd say I did better than my common test haha. I passed my mcq although I didnt really spend a lot of time thinking of the questions cause I was running out of time. Then section B the structured questions was the part where I lost a lot of marks cause I dont know several questions. I will continue to work hard =) Hope that I'll find tuition for physics real soon. So far, I'm most satisfied of my Bio results LOL!Getting back A maths, E.Geog & Chi tomorrow...Pray that I dont do badly..
8:18 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Well, my Mid Year Exams are finally over & this week has been a long & torturing one for me. Everyday go to school, take exams, then have lunch, go home & take a nap, after that have to study for the rest of the day until like 12plus... Glad that it's over already & I feel so relax now! But then, I think I'll really do very badly this time round even though I did study at least 2 weeks before the MYE. SS paper on Monday was a total disaster. I thought we only had to do a SBQ & an essay question so I took my time doing the SBQ. Spent at least 45mins on that section & only after finishing that section & turning to the next page did I realise that there was a part a & b to the essay question, consisting of 12m & 13m respectively. Cant believe that I'm so blur man. So I rushed through the whole thing, only managing to complete the part b & the first paragraph of part a. Lost 12m just like that Sigh! Think I can forget about passing my SS. What's more is that I spent quite some time trying to memorise all the 3 chapters & in the end, the paper tested us mainly on the multi-ethnic conflict Zzz. A maths was still okay because there's quite a few questions, which Ms Woo taught us before, that appeared in the paper. The first page was kinda difficult compared to the second.. Had E.Geog paper on Tuesday. It was okay I guess, compared to my SS Zzz... Then there's combined chem & bio on wednesday which were fine too... Hope I dont fail my chem... E. maths on Thursday was kinda bad too.. Because I left several questions blank, which add up to about 20marks I think. I had no time to complete the paper & I skipped those which I dont know so that I could do those questions at the back. In the end, I didnt have much time to really go back to those questions & think of the solutions. Well, guess that I'm really slow... Sigh. I dont wanna get scolded by her man. Physics today & it was another disastrous paper. I totally suck at this subject, no matter how hard I try. I dont know how to do quite a number of questions in section B & I know that I'd surely fail this subject. Well now then I know being a sec 3 student is so much tougher than being a sec 2 student.. I never encountered problems whereby I had to leave blanks for my exam scripts & having so much difficulty finishing a paper. I dread getting back our exam papers man! Hope that day dont come so soon. I seriously need to de-stress & do some soul-searching before I can really start to study hard again. Anyway, went out with Pauline & Mary in the afternoon to Sembawang to shop abit & to buy the ingredients for baking. Then met Joyce back at NP & went to Pauline's house. Sorry for troubling you! Went home at around 730pm.
9:35 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Hi!Shall update my blog for the last time before my exams.Well on Monday, I went out with Yu Hui & Kristel straight after school to vivo city cause it was Yu Hui's birthday & she wanted a thirtyseven degree pencil box for her present! By the time we reached there, it was already 4pm I think cause I was late. Oops! Yu Hui had a hard time choosing which one to buy but in the end, she managed to get a one which she likes very much =) & ya, they gave me my belated birthday present which is so nice! After that, we shopped abit etc before leaving. Had a great day with them!I also had my chinese & english paper on Monday & Wednesday respectively. I dont think I'd do very well for both my language paper 2 because I did not have enough time! Halfway through the 2 papers, I felt like sleeping which was like so stupid. I think this wasted some of my time. I think I'm gonna fail my english summary cause I did not include those points which was supposed to be included Zzz.Yesterday was Labour Day but I stayed at home the whole day again to study for my exams which was so uninteresting Sigh! How I wish I can go out!Heikern taught me Physics today after school which was very kind of him =) He is so good in this subject, how I wish I could have half of his intelligence which is like so impossible =X After that, had A maths supplementary & I'm acting weirdly because of his presence. I dont know why am I like this too. I just felt sadness I think. Lol...Anyway shall end here! Bye!愛情就像毒藥 喝了卻戒不掉 越陷越深 怎麼才好, 愛情就像毒藥 卻不給我解藥 一錯再錯 怎麼才好.
8:33 PM
Yours truly.