Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hi!Finally Napfa is over! & I passed my 2.4km run! Ran with Sherica mostly & there's all these cute sec 1s boys cheering for us. I still remembered what this boy said to us, 'Run faster lah, my ah-gong can run even faster than you!' Haha so funny man. I guess I drank too much water before the run cause halfway through, I can feel all the water in my stomach lol. Got the 27th position in the class & I'm satisfied already =D After the run, my whole face was like so damn red, most probably the reddest I've ever seen & I'm not being exaggerating here. Lessons are like usual, nothing much really happen.Lol, think I shall stop here =X Need to do my work already.
8:52 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Hello, feel like blogging to vent out my frustrations. Exams are coming in less than two weeks' time & I'm starting to go crazy. The week didnt start off well for me plus emaths trigo tests which made me feel very depress about it. I dont know how to do most of the questions, partly because I didnt study for it. Gonna flunk it like how I flunk my chem test. It's so embarrassing man & I dont know what is wrong with me. A maths test today was quite okay, at least I still know how to do a few questions, unlike emaths, for when I looked at the questions, I feel hopeless. Zzz! I feel like dying man... Maybe I'm just overreacting. Guess that the only thing for me to do now is to work doubly hard for exams.
9:32 PM
Yours truly.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Shall update about my visit to Zhang Lao Shi's house last sunday. Met Ricky, YingXuan, Nicholas & Kailong at 1pm & we trained to AMK, then took a bus to his house. At first, we had difficulty finding his block but thanks to the cleaner there who told us where it is. After settling down, we started to look at the Year Book together with him, talking about the teachers & recalling our sec 1 memories with him. He's now teaching in Deyi Sec & time seems to pass by so fast! We've all grown so much & he is already a father of three! He then showed us baby photos of his children. After that, we went in the room to play with his children haha. At around 5plus, we took a few photos together before leaving his house. He's so nice & friendly! =) I so glad that he remembered me! Lol! Took taxi to AMK Hub for dinner, but before that, YingXuan alighted at her grandma's house. Walked around before finally deciding to dine at New York New York. The above pictures shows the food which the 4 of us had ordered but I left out the potato wedges haha. It's so funny watching them eat lol. After eating, we shopped abit before going home. Sport's Day is tomorrow! Yay! Hope that it's not gonna be boring. Anyway, today's assembly programme on International Friendship Day was so funny & interesting. Made me laugh so much, especially the skits put up by the sec 2. Think that they're really creative man haha. & I think I'm gonna fail my SS test today even though I studied for it. Cause I think I described too much & explained too little. Sigh!!! I didnt leave paragraphs too... Worst is that I didnt complete. Zzz Exams are coming in THREE weeks' time. So fast! Why does time always have to pass so fast?! Need to mug again....Not forgetting double maths tests & Napfa next week. Can prepare to fail my standing Broad Jump already. Sigh, typical life of a sec 3 student.
7:39 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Hi,It's April already & that means exams are coming soooon, in a few weeks' time.Anyway, I think that I should do more exercise because I've gained weight & I've eaten fast food for three days this week for lunch. But it's rather impossible due to my busy schedule (School+Tuition+Tests+Homework). & even if I have the time I'd rather sleep or use the com Haha. Haix I know that I'm lazy but I'm not having enough sleep everyday too. Anyway, Sport's Day is next friday & I'm quite looking forward to it because it means that I can go there & slack! =) I'm going to Zhang Lao Shi's house this weekend too! It's been a long time since I've last seen him & I miss him terribly! He's such a good chinese teacher man, compared to the chinese teachers that have taught me in Sec 2 & 3. FYI, the chinese teacher that is teaching me currently is the 4th one this year & he'll be leaving at the end of this term I think... Zzz Think I shall stop here cause I've run out of things to say =X Bye!
Why am I always thinking of you?
11:23 PM
Yours truly.