Saturday, November 24, 2007
Hello!Hmm, it's been 1 week since I've last updated. Went to KBox at marina square & the room is very spacious & comfortable. Then we're like so sk cause we've never been to one like this before. Haha. Sang for 4hrs & then we went to Raffles city to buy donuts from donut factory. Queued for awhile & then left for home after buying. Went to watch Enchanted on Thursday with several classmates & I saw Yu Hui there too! What a coincidence! It's a really nice movie! Rather humourous & the songs are great too! After the movie, we walked to Yishun Safra & went to the arcade first. We then played pool & finally we went to bowl! Hee, it's my first time trying bowling though & my scores was not that good. Towards the second round of the game, my fingernail sort of half broke & so to prevent it from worsening, I got a plaster from Xing Lai & in the end, the plaster flew off when I was bowling. So Xing Lai was the one who helped me pick it up. Really sorry about it but it was damn comical at the same time. Haha. Then Lee Sun was trying different ways to bowl & one of her ways was to kick the ball. LOL! Overall, it was a rather new experience for me & it's fun! But the price was quite expensive. Left at about 7pm plus.Well, I'm going to Hong Kong on this coming Monday! Will be back on Thursday though.. & I'll be taking the 6am plus flight which means that I've to wake up early morning... Zzz...Shall stop here! =)
9:53 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Hello!Came back from Choir camp yesterday. Well, it was still okay... Had practice & ms tan said we've improved. Watched the "Drumline" which was a rather cool movie & also "eight below". The BBQ was not that good cause the seniors were not really that successful in setting up the fire & all these. So we didnt really managed to eat anything. But Mdm Chen's that side BBQed a lot of food. After that, cleared up & went to bathe. The whole school looks scary at night, especially the staircases. So we all kept on taking the lift & go around in groups which was rather fun! Managed to catch about 5hrs of sleep but I still felt very sleepy in the morning. Went to school at about 9am to check my streaming results. After much anxiety, I finally can put my mind at ease. Didnt manage to get into 3G, but still, I'm satisfied with 3F.Stayed in school till like 12plus? Cause we kept on talking to Mr Ang etc. Got home, changed etc & met up with Pauline & Lee Sun to go to Tampiness to shop & meet Eileen.When we were at century square, we came up a small stall selling dark chocolate so we went to take a look. We ended up trying different types of dark chocolates & listening to what benefits does dark chocolates brings. After trying so many, we couldnt just leave without buying anything, so we had no choice but to buy. It's 10g for $1.25 & we ended up buying 300grams!!! T.T The sales lady was like sort of persuading us to buy? & she told us that if we buy 300 grams, we'll get 50grams for free & we can split among the 3 of us. So we had no choice & the total amount was like $37.50. What the hell... It's like 1 piece of the chocolate is $1.40 & I was totally broke after buying the damn chocolates. Zzz...Heart pain man...Then Lee Sun was saying that she's a really good sales promoter which is very true... We then went down & chatted awhile with Eileen before taking the bus to Yishun. Shall stop here...Will update more next time!
11:59 PM
Yours truly.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hello!Went out last saturday with Yu Hui & Kristel to celebrate Kristel's belated birthday. Went to Cineleisure's cathay to catch Bee Movie & the ticket was so expensive, $9.50. Then I paid $6 for The Game Plan which in my own opinion, is nicer than the bee movie. So it's like there's a big difference in terms of the price. But still, it's still a rather interesting movie. & the bees are damn cute. After that, walked around, went to Kinokuniya & my cawaii magazine was out finally. We then went to the Orchard's library to read magazines before leaving for Yishun. Went for a bite at Macdonald's & then while waiting for the bus, we met Janice! Haha. So we went to Yu Hui's house to play & she went to check her streaming results online & she got into triple sci class haha. Played old maid & uno & left her house at around 6pm.Yesterday, went out to Novena with Alicia in the late afternoon & we queued for the donuts at the donut factory! Bought 6 donuts & I ended up eating around 3 of them. xP Think I'll grow fat cause donuts contains a lot of sugar I guess. Haha, who cares. But luckily the queue was not very long. & anyway, good food is worth the wait. Haha. After that, went to buy 2 sleeveless tops which I regret buying now =X Took the train to Sembawang because we wanted to borrow books. In the end, Alicia recommended me books to borrow. Thanks.There's choir camp tomorrow & I havent pack my things yet... No more sleeping late & waking up late T.T
7:58 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, November 09, 2007
    Very sunny cause it was mid-afternoon.  Tada! A pot of rice! ps I know I'm being lame  Guess what's this  A rather unique signboard that I've come across  This is where we had our lunch  The Rubber Tree Well, today Pauline, Alicia & her sister came to my house for a swim in the morning. Alicia & her sister taught Pauline how to swim & we swimmed till noon before going to bathe. After that, met up with Mary, Pauline, Alicia & her sister to Plaza Singapura & Alicia & her sister left after we treated her the missy donuts haha. & we met Yewyi & Stanley at the mrt platform & it turns out that they were also going to Dhoby Ghaut. So we went up to dmk first cause Pauline wanted to collect her shoes. After that, we proceeded to pureMILK cause I wanted to buy clothes. In the end, bought 2 shirts cause the sales person said that if I spend $50 or more, I'll be able to get a $20 vouchers. I ended up giving Pauline the vouchers haha. Felt so wei3 da4 LOL. Just joking. Anyway Pauline treated me to 2 missy donuts in the end. We then left for Bugis & went to Bugis street to find the little miss tee shirts again. I ended up buying 1 too cause it's like $10 per piece if the 3 of us buy. We then went to OG to shop before leaving Bugis. Upon reaching Yishun, met up with Yu Hui to buy Kristel's belated birthday present. Haha. Went home after that. Gonna go out with Yu Hui & Kristel tomorrow! Hope that we'll have fun =D *& above are some pictures I took in malacca.
7:29 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Hello! Didnt update for quite some time, was rather busy. Well, last sunday went to Escape Theme park to celebrate Halloween. It was so damn fun! I was so freaked out by all the "ghouls" or whatever you call them. We went straight into the haunted house & it was damn thrilling. I remembered somebody pulling my leg when I walked past the cage haha. We went on to fortune telling & the tarot cards are really cool & accurate. After that, continued playing & went on wet & wild for twice! Lili & I screamed like hell! We also played the roller coaster for 3 times in a row without stopping! Reached home at around er 12 plus I guess & I broke my record hehe. Tuesday was the start of our class chalet & I went to the beach, together with Mary & Pauline the moment we reached there. After that went swimming & I forgot what I did afterwards. Haha. Wednesday, met up with Lili, Mary & Pauline early in the morning & we made our way to the chalet. Went to learn how to ride a bike when we reached there but I failed =( Okay, at least I tried. I fell down & hurt my knee & after that I fell on the mud & my white pants got all muddy! Damn. Really sorry to Alicia & Mary cause I knew my face was very black after what had happened. Haha... Paiseh. & congrates to Lili who learned how to ride a bike in just 45mins. In the afternoon, went to downtown to play arcade! Think I owe Yewyi & Alicia money for the arcade man... Haha. In the evening, went with Lili to carpark A outside the chalet to collect our bbq food which was like damn heavy. It's a big & heavy plastic bag of food & I had a hard time carrying it all the way to the chalet. Our BBQ was not that successful as we wasted 3hours starting the fire. In the end, some people didnt even eat anything & they had to leave. Feel kinda sad for them though. Played card games upstairs at night & I could not catch any sleep cause there's no place for me to sleep. So in the end, went to downtown at around 2am plus I guess & it was kinda creepy to me as I've never been out so late in the night. Sat at macdonald till 3am plus & Heikern spilled the iced milo all over our feet in which Joyce kena the most. Slept for about 45mins & I woke up & couldnt get back to sleep. Probably because the floor is too hard. When daybreaks, I began to feel sleepy & slept on the bus on the way home. Went home & slept from 10plus till 7pm plus. Today, woke up at 5am plus & prepared to go to school. The journey was rather long so I slept on the bus & we reached at about 10am plus nearing 11am. Went to Kampong Indah & was shown some malay dance, oil palms, rubber tree, how to extract rubber from the rubber tree, what the rubber that was extracted can be used for, went to the kampong, looked at all the brightly coloured houses, went inside a house, learned about how a sarong can be wore differently etc. We were also shown a wet rice plantation. Learned quite some things through this trip & we went to malacca for our lunch! Had nonya lunch at a local restaurant & it was quite nice but the chendol was quite sweet. After lunch, went to some historical sites in malacca & we shopped around & took pictures. This is my second time going there as I've been there when I was in primary school. We then proceeded on to Tan Kim Hock shop to buy some local products & I spent 21RM there. Bought some stuffs for my mum. Had dinner at around 6plus & we arrived at the checkpoints at around 8pm plus.Had a long & tiring day. Will upload the pictures next time!
10:31 PM
Yours truly.