Sunday, September 23, 2007
  Alicia's Cake  My Baked Rice  Hello, Well firstly, thanks Alicia for inviting us to her birthday dinner at Jack's Place. Had baked rice which didnt taste that good to me as compared to the ones at Pastamania. Haha. But still, enjoyed the cake and ice cream. =) &We were late 30mins for tuition... Oops. Yesterday Night Went back to school for the mid lantern festival celebration & as expected, our class was the only one with the most number of people =X The Wushun performance was really an eye opener! It was awesome haha. Well, the same goes for other performances. The whole thing ended at about 8:30pm & we went chatting with the teachers for awhile before leaving. & Ms Tan's brother is so damn cute! Haha. After that went to Long John Silver & there was this sec one boy sitting next to us doing some funny actions which made us laugh. Haha. Another week is gone & exams are nearing... Haix sad. Suddenly feel that I'm beginning to slack =X Gonna mug real hard for now!
1:54 AM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hello,Well, we went to Kampong Glam today & it was damn hot there. On the way there, the guide was speaking to us on the bus & the speaker was so near my ears that my ears hurt man. The volume was so loud & the speaker was blasting throughout for at least 20mins. Haha. Saw lots of interesting places which I've never been to before & even had the chance to go in the Mosque. I didnt really catch all of what the guide told us & there were a lot of malay terms which I dont understand too cause I didnt listen attentively =X Didnt even bother to do a single questions in the worksheet lol. Lili bought 2 fans for her niece & we kept using it to fan ourselves haha. At around 4:40pm, we walked back & took the bus back to school. & in the bus, Jian Sheng was given the opportunity to showcase his singing talent using the mike which he sang "An Jing" again! & well, that's about roughly what happened during today's trip! Gotta go & study for tomorrow's tests... Haix.
10:39 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Hello!Finally changed my blogskin & blog song! Currently addicted to the songs Rainie Yang's new album! It's so damn nice =DIt's been 1 week since I've last updated. This is the first week of term 4 & soon, end of year exams will be here!Nothing much happened this week...Got my contact lens last Sunday which was also the day Eileen invited us to her house's BBQ. I'm still having difficulty putting on my lens as I kept on blinking my eyes while doing so. & ya, talking about Eileen's BBQ, Mary, Pauline, Joyce, Jasmine & I went for it & there were lots of people there. Her house is really damn beautiful & I like her bedroom! It's so spacious & cosy.We ate chicken wings, satays, otahs, jellies etc & even drank! After drinking for abit, Pauline's face got red & she was some sort of abit drunk. Haha! After that, we went crazy at the playground opposite her house & ate marshmallows. We then went back in her house & started playing poker cards! Wee! I only lost one round & for losers, we had to receive our punishment which was rather erm lame. Haha.We finally left at 10pm & Jasmine's mum fetched us to the bus stop.Lessons are the same... However, there's an extra 3 periods of chinese lesson for every wednesday which is like damn torturing! There will also be a learning trip to kampong glam next wednesday. Wonder how it'll turn out. Boring or Fun.That's about all for today!
10:00 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Hello,Well, yesterday morning, went to school for rollar blading. Met up with Alicia & Pauline early in the morning for breakfast before walking to school. The lesson began shortly & we wore our helmets, protective gears etc which stinks like hell =X Guess that's the price to pay for having paid only $7 for the course. Haha.I felt so "malu" for not able to stand up on my rollar blades while almost everyone had. In the end, with the help of a instructor, I finally stood up. LOL! & of course, thanks those who cheered me on =) In the beginning, I was very unstable cause I still did not know how to balance properly. & sorry for always holding on you, pauline! Had quite a number of falls while practicing in the netball court. But things got better later haha. I did not fall anymore when we were in the canteen practicing & I can start to rollar blade a little. By the end of the lesson, my feet hurt like hell cause my rollar blades were too tight & small. We cleared up & quickly made our way to the washroom cause we were stinking like hell.After that, went back home & in the afternoon, my cousin came! But only for a short while. Played & chatted a little & soon, I left for tuition.TodayWent to school early in the morning to do D&T. Met up with Jasmine & Lee Sun & we met Evangeline in school. Turned out that Mr Tan did not come at all & we wasted like 3hours waiting for nothing!!! My whole morning was gone like that. After that, we went out of school to Macdonald to study abit. Left for home at about 1:30pm+. Haix...My wonderful day was gone like that. Sad.
6:36 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Hello!It's around the middle of the September holidays already & I havent completed my work at all. Or should I say I didnt really start on it at all except for Geography =XMonday Went to the doctor's cause my cough wasnt getting any better after one week. After that, stayed at home & studied abit & did some work.Tuesday Went out early in the morning to AMK for tuition. It was really torturing to have 3hrs of Maths tuition early in the morning. My brain was like exploding LOL! After that, had lunch, bought movie tickets & took the bus & train to Yishun stadium. Played badminton till 4pm+ & now my legs & arms are aching all over. Took the bus back to AMK again to catch Ratatouille! It's damn nice!!! All the french cuisines are making my mouth water. The story is great & I simply love it to bits! Haha. Went off for Science tuition after that & went home at 10plus after supper. Today Went to KBox with Lili at AMK central. (Lols, I'm sick & tired of going to AMK every week) Sorry that I was late =S Sang till 2pm & went to Mos Burger to study. Shortly after, Jasmine joined us. & thanks for teaching us about Science! Haha. Went off to the arcade at 4pm+ & played 1 round of the Mario racing car. Reached home at about 6pm+.Well, that's how my 3 days of holiday was gone. Think I've really played too much! Haix.
10:55 PM
Yours truly.