Friday, August 31, 2007
Hi Tomorrow is Teacher's Day! I shall hereby wish every teacher "Happy Teacher's Day!" Went to school & we had to do the Aces exercise. Didnt really did it properly haha. Then we were like watching Mr Thong & some other people doing the exercise & laughing them =X Went around giving teachers gifts & Mr Tang gave us sweets even though we didnt give him anything. He's so damn nice! After that, went back to class & got back my results slip. Miss See said that she was worried about me because in class, I'm always so quiet & I dont ask questions. So it's hard to tell whether I understand or not. =S Overall, to me, it's still ok.. But gonna work harder for term 4! Went up to the hall & the assembly programme began. Almost all the programmes were great! The dances, videos, skits, songs & the performance put up by the CO members were awesome! =) Sat there till my legs were numb & we were dismissed at around 12:40pm+. Rush back to Huamin & met up with lots of my ex-classmates! Miss them lots man!!! Left at about 2pm+ & went to Causeway with Yuhui & Kristel! Shopped around & Yuhui kept going to the toilet! LOL! Had a great day today! That's all for today! =D
10:39 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hi!Just feel like posting all of a sudden. Well, holidays are coming & there'll be lots of homework for sure!Didnt have Maths lessons today cause Mr Ang was sick =(Havent really bought all my presents for Teacher's Day which was like approaching real soon.& the Maths thinktank programme will start tomorrow! Wonder how it'll turn out like.I just think it's really no use for me to harbour anymore hopes cause it's totally pointless & meaningless.I'm learning to let things go now & trying to accept the fact that what is mine is mine. No use fighting over it if it isn't meant to be mine in the first place. Some things when lost, is lost forever. I must learn to let go & move on with life.There's plenty of things worth fighting & living for in life. Maybe we're really aren't meant for each other. It's all fate. I'm leaving everything to fate now.I would not cling on to things which are meaningless.I would not think of things which are impossible.I must face the reality & accept everything that I see.
11:10 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hello!Got back all my common test results except for D&T.. Well, my results is just average... Gonna work harder for term 4 with Lili! =)Went to Orchard today with Lili, Alicia & Joyce. Sorry for being late for 20mins!Went to Popular to buy papers and decorative stuff. After that, went to Kinokuniya again to buy gifts for Miss See. Shopped & shopped till 5plus before leaving Orchard. & Lili finally found TegoMass's latest single at HMV! Haha =DWent to Bishan Junction 8 after that & I went to buy a stupid hp hanger which was a waste of money. Wasted $4...This is about all, gonna rush to do my national day rally! Seeya!
9:20 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
HelloWell, today went to Marina Square to shop & also to look for Pauline & Lee Sun who were starting their first day of work there. We saw Ms Grace Tong at the city link! Haha, she's so pretty! After that, shopped awhile & ate with Pauline & Lee Sun at the food court during their break. The spaghetti that I ordered tasted like shit man. It's like there's so much pepper being added inside & it was so damn spicy. -.-ll Wasted my money! At around 4pm, they went back to work & we proceeded to Suntec City to shop. On the way to Suntec, there were many people giving out flyers so we ended up taking a lot of them & throwing them in the rubbish bin for them =S Wasting paper man... Some of them gave us like 4-6 flyers at one go. Diao. Shopped & shopped but didnt buy anything cause everything seems so costly. Haha. Only spent my money on food & on andersen ice cream. & speaking of andersen ice cream, Joyce & I each bought 1 cone. After that we began to make our way back. Who knows Joyce's ice cream dropped on the floor. It's like she had only licked a few times of the ice cream & the whole scope dropped on the floor. Wasted man...$4... So Joyce ended up eating the cone only haha. After that, we walked back to carrefour to find Jasmine & Sheila then Jasmine lent Joyce $4 to buy the ice cream again. Lol. Saw so many nice clothings today but no money to buy... Only can window shop... Wa, makes me feel so sad. Haha. & my legs are aching like hell after all the walking. While walking back to the mrt station, we saw ms ang at the city link. Lol! Saw 2 teachers today! Hmm, that's about all for today... Gonna start saving up lots & lots of money for teachers' day & my clothes! =D
8:30 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, August 17, 2007
 Hello! Well, I've finally updated after for about 1 week or so? Haha. At last common test is over! But there's still lots of work to do. Changed my blogskin finally and my blog song too! I'm really very addicted to "Huan Huan Ai" okay! This drama totally rocks! & Wang Chuan Yi rocks too! Hmm, nothing much happened this week... Got back my lit test today & was not satisfied with the marks at all. Like what Miss See said, I'm really very cok eye to lose 2 marks because I didnt read the question carefully. Just feel so buay song to lose 2 marks because of this. Gonna go to Marina Square tomorrow to see Pauline & Lee Sun, who will be starting work tomorrow! Wish them all the best! Haha. Well, I've run out of things to say, so I'm gonna end here! Bye guys!
7:25 PM
Yours truly.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Hello! It's been quite a while since I've last updated. Well firstly, HAPPY 42nd BIRTHDAY TO SINGAPORE! Haha, though it's really a pity that I cant watch it "live" at marina. But at least I did catch the "live" telecast at channel 8 =D Common test is starting next week... So all the best to everyone! There's also lots of homework waiting for me to do during these few days of holidays... Zzz... Gonna watch "Rush Hour 3" this saturday! Cant wait! Haha. Nothing much to blog about... Think I'll just stop here! Seeya guys! & Happy National Day!
8:29 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, August 03, 2007
HiToday was an extremely unpleasant day for me because it was being ruined.I just want to say that I really had enough of all these nonsense. Please, dont you all know when to stop? I'm sure that you all know that there's a limit to everything. Please don't provoke me any further because I really can't take it anymore. Maybe all these seems fun to you guys, but I'm sure that you all didn't even spare a thought for me. I'm a human being too, I've feelings too. Have you ever thought that how would you feel if you are in my shoes? I dont know what I will do if this continues on. I want to let you all know that the feeling of being teased like that totally sucks! I'm really begging you all to let me have some peace and stop bothering me. I will be really grateful to you and I'll never forget your kindness. I feel really upset that my classmates would do such a thing. Sometimes, I really felt that I've made a wrong choice by going to a mixed school.And lastly, thanks for ruining my whole weekend for me.
6:19 PM
Yours truly.