Monday, July 30, 2007
HiIt's a monday again, and this is the week 6 of school. Which means that common test is approaching! Science lesson was like so funny cause Mr Thong kept doing funny gestures. -.-ll He even tried to imitate a girl's voice when he touched on pitching & our voice cords. Haha. Nothing much about today except that there was oral examination for me after school & I dont have any confidence at all to do well. Reading was okay, except for about 2 words, due to my nervousness, I sort of stutter through them. It's not that I dont know how to read, but I was just plain nervous & my voice started to tremble a little. Haha stupid me. Picture-Started off quite alright, managed to say quite a few sentences. After that I ran out of things to say & Miss See started the prompt. Had 2 prompts excluding the first one in total. And I misintrepreted what the indian woman was teaching the children. -.-ll I didnt notice that there were 3 children holding puppets in their hands & that they were having a show or what. Guess I didnt really look carefully into the picture. Overall, I feel that my performance is really bad cause I said lots of "er..." and hesistated for like 1 or 2 seconds before continuing on or what.Tomorrow there's maths test... Ah... Wonder how it'll turn out for me. That's all for today!
7:24 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Hello! hmms, today woke up at 6am & went to school. Seems pathetic right? Have to wake up like any normal school days on a saturday. Went to the Literature festival at paya lebar methodist girls' school today. The opening ceremony was rather interesting. After that we had a 30mins break & at 10am, we were free to proceed to anywhere for debates or acts etc. Went to watch my school's VS Queenstown sec debate. After that, wondered abit around the school as we did not make it in time for other activities. We then watched St. Anthony Canossian VS Fairfield Methodist sec where we saw Terri who was also in the debate group. She's really pretty & seems to be a nice person. Haha. Stayed on for the next debate which was SJI VS Hwa Chong Instituion debate and it was the most interesting & entertaining debate out of the 3 that I had watched. SJI performed really great & there was this Hwa Chong guy who was trembling or shaking badly when he said his speech. There were like people giggling & laughing man. In the end, they got the most entertaining speaker award while SJI won the debate. Haha. We lost but got the best speaker award. St. Nicks got the most enthusiastic supporters award. Haha. The whole event was rather interesting & nice overall just that I dont know why I had to have a terrible stomachache & it sort of dampen the whole thing for me. It's about all for today! See ya!
8:58 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hello!Had a slight sore throat on monday & during later part of the day, developed a fever. Zzz... Ate some panadols & drank lots & lots of water. Ended up going to the toilet for several times & not getting any better. -.-ll So no choice, had to skip school & go to see the doctor the next morning. Slept throughout the whole day & woke up at around 4pm plus to get ready for tuition. Haha, it's really a blessing to be healthy! I really hate to be sick now... Cant go to school & I ended up missing a lot of things. Sigh. I've been sick for quite a few times since the beginning of the year till now. Maybe I'm really not eating right or healthy. Anyway, Miss See didnt come today so Miss Winnie See took over. Nothing much happened today. Oral examinations are starting next week! Gonna die... That's all for today!Just a short update.
10:17 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Hello,yesterday was racial harmony day, well for my school we had an earlier celebration cause today was my school's racial harmony charity bazaar.Wore my indian costume yesterday and it was so ODD to wear it when there's no one else wearing it. I mean people from other schools. It's like we're the only school that was wearing our costumes. Well, it's so nice to see that the whole class is wearing it! We took class photos during Miss See's 2 period of English. After that, during Science lesson we started "Zi Lianing". We kept on taking pictures with our friends non stop. Had so much fun! Next was geography lesson. Aww, it's so sad that Mr Yip's leaving... He's a good teacher! Another new teacher will be teaching us geography next week... Wonder who is it. We then proceeded to the MPH for assembly. We cheered a lot! Haha was feeling very high man. It's a pity that Miss See didnt win the best dressed teacher that day =(Anyway, happy belated birthday to Pauline! You're officially 14! Haha.Today.Went to the MPH to listen to a SPCA talk early in the morning while some of the classmates went to set up our booth. It was damn cold inside there... At 9:25am, we went down to the bazaar & Lee Sun & I went to the boys toilet to change into our class Tee. Haha. Started by walking around the canteen area & sports hall, looking for something to buy. The marshmallows was so nice! Bought a muffin, some sort of cookies, 3 wrist bands, 1 small personalised bottle which is made of gel. Played the water mice hole set up by my class! Rather nice. I scored 100 points & managed to get a cup. Haha. After that, wonder around again & went to tend the stall at 11am. Went to become the timer for the Basketball game & we had difficulty finding the rattan balls at some point of the time. Got very fed up of course but luckily, we didnt lost any of them.Mrs Sim even came to patronise our stall! So surprised that she'd come & play the basketball game & not only once, it's twice! Everyone was like crowding around to watch her play.A lot of upper sec boys came to play too & there was this guy who tried to earn a free play by giving me the top of the coupon & fold it into half to cover the wordings. Haha, so amused man. Glad that I'm not being fooled xD The bazaar ended at 12:40pm & we started packing up & cleaning up the area. So damn exhausted, tired & thirsty! I finally know how it's like to be working like that. Cant stop to rest & have to keep tending the stall & time them non stop.Anyway, glad that our efforts are all being paid off! Bought 3 coupons & ended up not spending all of them. I still had like $3.50 left & ended up donating all of it. Haha.. Went back home & slept for 5hours straight! Feel so good! I never had such a good sleep for some time already. Haha.That's about all! =D
8:07 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
 Lili, Eileen, Lee Sun & Pauline ;D Me, Pauline, Lee Sun & Eileen <3  Such a long escalator! I think it is around 3 storey high.  Singapore River!  Yaki Udon!  Hello! It's been one week since I've last blogged. My blog is so dead! Well, was rather busy for the entire week staying back every single day. Went to Clark Quay with Eileen, Lee Sun, Lili, Pauline. We met at 9:30am plus which was like damn early right? Haha. After that took the train there & reached there at around 10:30am. All the shops werent opened yet, except for a few of them. Had lunch at 11plus & the Yaki Udon there is damn nice! :D After eating, we continued on shopping! There's lots of Japanese shops & restaurants there ;D Then all the accessories there is so expensive. Cant afford it man. In the end bought a tweety bird shoe which cost $19. The carrier bag is so cute & nice. After combing the whole shopping mall, we went to StarBucks to have a drink & chatted a lot as usual. We left at around 2pm plus going 3. Lili & I alighted at Orchard cause we wanted to go to Kinokuniya. Love going there! It's a book paradise! I can find Japanese books there, endless of comics, my favourite taiwan & hongkong magazines which features Japanese singers & fashion etc. I've really exceeded my budget a LOT by today. Sigh, just cant seem to control my spending. I've tried okay, but still failed. Reached home, had dinner & rest awhile before going out again. This time, to the gym outside Yishun Stadium. Ended up wearing my house tee & pe shorts cause I dont have a proper outfit for it. I know that I'm pitiful. We spent about 45-50mins in there, exercising. It feels so great to do exercise! Must try & lose some weight! We left at 8pm cause it closes at that time, so we went to Causeway Point awhile. Thanks Joyce for lending me your Newbie shirt & Jasmine for the treat! Really dead broke man... T.T Gonna watch Harry Potter tomorrow. Hope that I wont spend SO much. That's about all for today!
11:46 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Hello!Well today's the 07/07/2007! Nice date eh? It's definitely a special day too as there's this Live Earth taking place in Shanghai. Maybe to other people, today is also meaningful & special too. But it's definitely not that "memorable" or "interesting" for me. Went to CCHM today but before that, met up with Pauline, Joyce, Mary and Joan to have lunch at Yoshinoya. Didnt know that weekends dont have student meal, so ended up spending $7.60 on my lunch. Heart pain man. Reached CCHM, then we were brought to the tuckshop or canteen to sit down. Had fun playing Heart Attack with friends! Cause we really had nothing to do... After that, went to the hall and sat there for at least 3 hrs or more. It's rather hot & boring during some parts of the ceremony... Then we had all of Kailong's skittle sweet. I mean not all, most of them. Haha. Kailong must be heartbroken to see a large proportion of his sweets being eaten up by us! Sorry! Cause was feeling really restless and bored, haha. The whole thing ended at around 6pm & was feeling real hungry & tired by then. Gonna be busy for the week I guess... Tests coming up and the bazaar thingy...
9:58 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Yewyi & Aaron =D Notice Yewyi's expression. & Look whose behind him! The place where I had my lunch at last saturday! Huamin Pri. Sch! Hello!
Well this is the second week of school and it's kinda busy already. There's Napfa test next tuesday and the following tuesday, common test coming up, Racial Harmony day and the bazaar in about 2 weeks' time and maths test this friday. Yesterday went to dine at Ichiban Sushi at AMK Hub. A Japanese restaurant. I ordered chicken kaninabe (Sorry for the wrong spelling if any) and it cost me about $10.90plus or more. Plus the tea and the cold noodles etc, so in the end I paid a total of $16. Expensive man. But had a fun time eating there! Sigh, now that there's a 7% gst, everything have gone much more expensive! Whenever I want to buy something now, I have to think of the gst being added to that particular item and it's so heartbreaking! $$$! Haha, ok maybe I'm exaggerating. Today had a great time laughing during lessons. There's this Du3 Shu1 Hui4 again and this time, we listened to the song: Ji2 Xiang2 San1 Bao3. This song is originally from Mongolia and I learnt quite a lot about the background information of this song and this place in China. Then nearing the end of it, the teacher showed us the video of this song. The singing is great, and at first I didnt really concentrate on the little "Sheeps" dancing around the stage. But towards the middle of the video, I started watching the "sheeps" dance and I cant believe that I laughed till I cried. It's so omg! Their actions are so cute and funny!!! I just couldnt control it. =S Never had such a hearty laugh for quite some time already. After recess, there was literature and we continued with the story of Romeo & Juliet. After finishing the story, we were given a hand-out on a drama of this story. Xinglai & Heikern were chosen to act it out and it turned out to be so comedy! =D But then it's good acting, the same goes to ChengHui & Peixuan too! We were given 2 new Japanese songs to learn during Choir! Haha. =D And I felt so sleepy that I was like half dozing off and half awake, trying to sing. Lols. That's about all for today!
8:28 PM
Yours truly.