Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hello!Yay! I'm officially 14 today!! Hehe! And I must thanks all those who wished me happy birthday and also, those who gave me my presents! =) Love you guys lots!Today I had my Ice cream cake before going to my Grandma's house for house visiting.It was rather boring there and most of my relatives left at about 4pm+. Had my dinner there and left at about 6pm+ to Marina South or whatever, somewhere near the esplanade there for the CNY festive thing.. Cause every year, there will be lots of people going there to look at all the CNY decorations, go there to shop, take pictures, see the fireworks and etc.I managed to win a monkey soft toy after playing those stalls which are set up, and you need to go to the ticket booth to buy the tokens to play at those games stalls. Haha. Walked around there, took pictures and then at 9pm, we went to watch the fireworks. It's sooo beautiful! Hehe. Loves to watch fireworks!!The fireworks lasted for about 10 minutes and then we walked back to Raffles Place, where my dad parked his car. We went to the basement, to Burger King for a grab cause my sis and I were hungry. Went home at about 10pm+. Chinese new year wish---Hope to receive more hongbaos +P Just Joking.. Haha..Good Night everyone! =)
11:10 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Hello!Today, my school celebrated CNY and there was a concert. Choir performed a japanese song and there was also a chinese new year sing-along session. But most importantly is that my class won first for the CNY class decoration! Hooray!!! Haha. After the whole concert, Jasmine, Sheila, Pauline, Eileen, Alicia and I walked to Khatib's macdonald to have lunch. We saw Miss See and another teacher on the way there, waiting for the taxi. Lols. After eating, Sheila, Jasmine and Eileen left on their own, while the rest of us took mrt back to Yishun and went home. Slept until 2pm+ and then got ready to go out to Causeway to catch a movie with Jasmine, Alicia, Calista and Lili. Was late for about ten minutes and Lili and I saw Ding Yang in Causeway point. I even mistook the girl he was with to be his stead =X Paiseh wor.Met up with Jasmine and Calista at the food court, then went to shop abit while waiting for Alicia to arrive.After that, we went to Time Zone to play. And yay!! I won two rounds of basket ball! It's so fun!At around 5pm+, we went in to catch Epic Movie. We all thought that it was going to be damn nice and funny... But who knows it turned out to be damn sucky, lame and pervertic. Gosh, we were all wondering why it was rated PG somemore..The movie includes scenes from Night at the Museum, Da Vinci Code, Pirates of the Carribean, Harry Potter, Lord of the ring, Snake on plane, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Chronicles of Narnia, X men, Superman and there was also a scene on Paris Hilton. Haha.. It's quite funny for some parts, but for others, it is really very lameshit!! Dotz.. Some of the scenes were like advertisement like that.. They started to promote some products or whatever shit. Cant really understand.. The storyline really sucks.. It's totally nonsensical.. I only think that I think the director or producer of the movie did well is the linkage between all the different movies. Lols..It's about 4 main characters, the 4 orphans were brought together and lastly, they all turned out to be a family.. After the movie, Jasmine, Calista, Alicia and I went to food court to have our dinner and then started to chit chat. Jasmine left at around 7pm+ going 8 while the 3 of us continue to shop abit and also took neoprints. Haha.When home at around 8pm+ going 9.. Haha, that's all.. Oyasuminasai!!
10:48 PM
Yours truly.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hi everyone!Yesterday's Science lesson was damn funny.. Cause Mr Thong talked about the chapter on digestion in the human body. Then towards the end of the lesson, he started to tell us about that why some dogs eat their own shit because not all the nutrients are being absorbed by the body, so they eat their shit to let their body absorbed the remaining nutrients etc. And then, we moved on and talked about what are the colour of our feces and why is that so and more. It's so hilarious and the whole class was like laughing like mad.. After that, went to Northpoint with Pauline to shop for Valentine gifts.Today was the CNY class decoration judging day. Stayed back for the skit because I was like acting to be watching football, together with Nicholas, Calista, Li Hao and Heikern. We all changed into casual clothes and had great fun shouting "Goal!" and then cheered loudly! " Ole Ole Ole Ole, Ole, Ole~" Yewyi helped us to make the footballer and the ball move from behind the chairs. We also kept on doing 3 Cheers for Yewyi, the gigolo! LOL! Anyway, it's just a joke so dont take it to heart =X Heikern's singing was damn funny too and we were like laughing like mad upon hearing him sing. And lastly, when the judges finished judging our class, the whole of us gathered at the center and thanked them and also wished them a happy new year! We also did the 3 Cheers for our own class together and I really felt that there is class spirit and unison. After that, the boys went abit crazy and started to throw all those fake oranges for decorations at others. It soon became a orange fight? Where all the fake oranges flew all over the classroom. Haha.. It's fun!After arranging all the tables and everything back in order, Jiahui, Pauline and I went to Northpoint to eat and shop abit.I finally bought BoA's album! Wee! Waited so long for it.. Haha.. And then Alicia and Lili joined us too. Left at about 6pm+Gonna go and study my history test for tomorrow! Hope that it'll be fun tomorrow exchanging valentine gifts with my classmates! =)*5 more days!Oyasuminasai!
8:16 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Hello!Stayed back the past few days to do the class decoration for CNY and it's nearly done. Haha, had fun during the decoration although it's abit tiring. Hope that my class will get the first for the level, just as what Miss See is expecting us to get. Hmm, today went back to school to do the class decoration again. After that, went home, have lunch and then rushed out again with Lili to Orchard because she wanted to go to Kinokuniya to buy books. it's so big in there and lots and lots of books! I can stay there the whole day looking at books! xD We left at about 3+pm nearing 4 and took the mrt train to bugis. I finally bought the wallet I like very much at the wallet shop! Haha.. Then shopped awhile at Bugis Junction, took neoprints and then proceeded to bugis street. From there, I bought a skirt which cost me about $23..We took the mrt and left for home at 6pm+ and was totally tired after the whole shopping trip..And now, I've only managed to finish my maths homework.. There's still art, eng journal, chinese new year resolutions, and 2 tests waiting for me to revise... T.T gosh..Why do I always find that weekends pass by so quickly without me knowing it..Need to chiong homework le!Bye!!
11:14 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
  Hello! Tomorrow the whole class is going to the Yio Chu Kang stadium to support my school's C division girls volleyball team! My class will be taking the shuttle bus that Miss See had arranged for us to go there! Together with Ms Tong & Mr Chua too! Wee! But of course, we have to fork out a dollar each xP After the thing ends, we will be taking either the mrt of bus back to school to continue to decorate our classroom for the chinese new year competition. And most importantly, I dont need to pon Choir.. Haha, cause tomorrow's session is cancelled due to this thing. =) And I feel very restless and tired today... Cant concentrate on some lessons cause I was feeling really sleepy..I really wanted to sleep!! I just cant stay awake.. Haha. I couldnt understand a thing that Mr Ang taught us today =X Also, I dont want to present my team's debate tomorrow!! Ah!! Hope that Miss See wont call my team.. *prays hard* I will sure be damn nervous and get very low marks for it.. Maybe I will even pull my team's overall performance down =X Tomorrow we also have Home Econs lesson! Haha, gonna cook tapioca.. Lols, then we have to make our own sauce to eat with it. Hope that it's nice.. Lols! Lastly, I've heard John-Hoon's latest single-Sad Song! It's nice! I've even got the MV le! =) And above are some pictures taken from his MV. Anyway, that's all for today! Hope that tomorrow will be fun.
8:20 PM
Yours truly.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Hello!My school had it's annual cross country two days ago, which was a friday. Alicia, Lee Sun, Jiahui and I took a cab there which cost us only about $8.50 cause we split the cost. We reached there at 3pm then at around 3:30+pm, the C division girls (which includes me) started the run.. Took about half and hour ++ to finish it. And my class, there's Alicia who got within the top 10 position!! She came in the 8th position! While Heikern got the 21st position! Haha, congratulations +) After the whole thing ended, Jasmine, Madeline, Eileen, Alicia, Jiahui, Pauline, Joan and I walked all the way back to the highway there to take the bus home.. Cause the bus stop near the the entrance of the Macritchie reservoir or what was flooded with other students. Haha.. I know that we are very kiasu xP I reached home at about 7pm like that.. Haha, was damn exhuasted after the run..Yesterday, Jiahui, Lee Sun and Lili came to my house to do the debate project. They arrived at my house at about 2pm+ and we started to research for information to support and also to rebut the opposition team's motion. We also did play awhile and Lili left at 6pm+.. Followed by Lee Sun at 7pm+ and Jiahui at 8pm+. Lols. Was really tired after a long day work.. I didnt really do much of my homework also.. Zzz..Erm, today, I'm chionging homework now... There's the total defence poem to be done, Maths test to revise, art to complete.. Ahh... I'm also going to Jasmine's house later to join Pauline and Alicia as they discuss about their group's debate.. I'm going there to do my homework and maybe help them a little? Haha..There's all for this weekend ba.. Gotta go now! Bye!
11:50 AM
Yours truly.