Monday, November 27, 2006
Hello!Today my dad took a day's leave and my family went to Vivo City and Harbour Front Centre to shop. Haha... I bought a new pair of shoes at Harbour Front Centre. Ate something in Macdonald then after that went back to Vivo to shop. Went to "Best" then I went to take a look at the mp3 player and suddenly the salesman walked to me and asked me "Yes Miss, may I help you?" or something like that. My sister and I were like so "diao"... It's like I'm only taking a look right? I dont even have the money to buy it... -.-ll After that we went in to MJ Multimedia and I found John Hoon's Japanese album!!! Lols, $32.90. So expensive... But I still bought it and the songs are damn nice to me. My sister bought a toy in Toys "R" US. Shopped until 7pm+ then headed for home.Sigh, there's still so many homework for me to do... I dont seem to have much free time to do my own things.. Haha..I'm still left with Science worksheet, 2 news paper article, 2 english book reviews and 1 chinese book review!!!
11:33 PM
Yours truly.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Hello! Finally I'm here to update!Went to Parkway Parade with Pauline today cause I wanted to buy the book "Japanese for Dummies" in the MPH bookstore. It's $49.30 which is rather expensive... Haha, but nevermind cause I really want to learn Japanese!! The bus trip was damn long... About 45mins from Ang Mo Kio to there. And during the bus trip to there, Pauline and I kept on commenting on the different schools of pupils cause quite afew pupils from different schools boarded the bus. Haha, but rest assured, we were not badmouthing them =P After buying the book, we went to buy a cup of ice cream which cost us only $2.80. So cheap and it was quite a lot. Shopped both Parkway and Marine Parade in about 2hrs+. Cause there was nothing much for us to shop... But we did buy something from Minitoons and Watson. We got abit hungry and then went to Mos burger to eat something. We took at bus home back to Ang Mo Kio at around 4pm+ where we shopped for awhile before heading back to Northpoint. Haha, then we met Sheila and Alicia there! We then left for home together after Sheila gotten her photos.Wee! I love today! Haha!
8:33 PM
Yours truly.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
    Our footprints    Pauline, Me & Joyce  Thin snowman statue  Joyce's fries & prawns  Pauline  Joyce, Pauline, Me & Lili  Pauline & Joyce  Joyce & Pauline Hello guys!Erm, went to Vivo City yesterday with Pauline, Joyce and Lili. But there were 2 boys, from our school who seemed to be following us. I mean like, Lili said they boarded the train at Bishan, then when we alighted at Doby Ghaut to take another train to Harbour front, they also took the same train with us to Harbour Front. And in the train to Harbour Front, they kept on moving nearer and nearer to us. So weird right? Then I grabbed Lili and alighted the train with Pauline and Joyce at one of the stop. To some sort of shake them off. Haha. They didnt alight and we were so relieved. But when we reached Vivo City, we saw them there! Gosh! Haha... Luckily, they didnt follow us. We shopped abit before going to the Food court to have our lunch. Wa, then something happened which made us all dead embarassed. Better dont mention it. After that we left and went up to the top floor to play. It's so fun up there!! Haha. Took quite some pictures and then about 4pm+ we went to the arcade nearby. It's damn boring there... Nothing interesting or games that I like to play. Wasted my $2! After playing, went down to Minitoons and Action city to shop.. We went to the outdoor playground to play for awhile, but we started to get hungry so we looked around and went to Haagen Dazs to have ice cream. We were so funny... Didnt look at the price of the ice cream, then went in. Then when we looked at the menu, we were like so shocked. Haha... But in the end still managed to order something to eat =P Accompanied Joyce to Long John Silver because she wanted to eat her fries. After that, we went to the playground again and we saw a HongKong star there, filming something. Lols. Is Cheng Song Lin or something de. Then she walked past us and smiled at us. Haha, she is very chio!!! And her boots is damn nice. We started to make our way back to the MRT station at around 6pm+ and when we reached Doby Ghaut MRT station, we saw Cheng Hui there! Lols, so surprise! Reached Northpoint about 7pm+ and went back home! Didnt buy anything... I spent $9+ on food! Wa, cant believe that I went there just to eat =XWent to Northpoint's Golden Village with Pervin, Junhao and Yuhui to watch Grudge 2. Junhao was LATE! Haha. Bought the tickets and went up. Junhao smuggled so many things in. So diao. Got tidbits, bottle of drink and milo chocolate bar. The movie was damn scary cause the ghost kept on appearing!!! So I used my Popcorn box to block my view, while Junhao used his bag to block. Then Pervin was like kept on asking me to stop using the Popcorn box to block and watch the movie. Yuhui kept on covering her ears because she didnt want to hear the sound effects. All the characters died. -.-ll I think got part 3 ba... Cause they didnt find a way to stop the ghost from harming more people. After that went to buy my dinner and went home.
9:43 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Hello! Here to do a survey again from Jasmine.7 People and Things that make me smile:#1 Friends#2 Music#3 Family#4 My favourite books#5 Junk Food#6 Money#7 My idols7 ways to win my heart:#1 Like me the way I am#2 Respect me#3 Spare a thought for me#4 Concern about me#5 Have trust in me#6 True to me#7 Lols, then the last one depends on his personality etc7 People I believe and trust in:#1 Pauline#2 Seraphina#3 Yuhui#4 Kristel#5 Joyce#6 Jasmine#7 Madeline{ 7 people not enough! I want to add more}#8 Eileen#9 Hsin Lu#10 Jiahui7 things I hope to have/do now:#1 Money money money!!!#2 More clothes#3 Work hard during the holidays#4 Learn Japanese/Korean#5 Kim Jeong Hoon's album#6 Class gatherings#7 Finish all my holiday homework!!!7 things I do everyday:#1 Sleep#2 Eat#3 Play#4 Go toilet#5 Watch TV#6 Do my homework#7 On computer7 people I wanna see now:#1 See my ex-pri sch friends#2 CCHY, 1H friends#3 Cousins#4 Kim Jeong Hoon!! ( I know I'm crazy and that it's impossible. Haha =P)That's all! =D Survey Completed!!!
5:41 PM
Yours truly.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
 Alan (Jasmine's brother) & Pauline  Pauline & Me  Pauline, Alan & Me Hello guys,Yesterday went to Jasmine with Pauline! Haha..Met Pauline at Northpoint first, then we went to the CD shop to check out Kim Jeong Hoon 's album.. Wa, dont have his latest Japanese album "Five Stella Lights"... Maybe it's only sold in Japan.. =[ After that, went to Popular to buy something. Then we went off to KFC to have our lunch. Haha.. Saw my pri.sch junior outside Northpoint..Lols.Jasmine was already there at the bus stop with her scooter, waiting for us when we reached.Haha, Jasmine was so cute and funny riding her scooter. When we reached her house, her dog sort of "welcomed" us.. Gave me and Pauline a scare. We went up to her room and started to play. After awhile, around 2pm+, her two brothers came home then we played together. We started to play Monopoly together, and after a while, we got abit bored of it, so we took a short rest, which we did not go back to the game again le =X Jasmine and Kelvin then started to teach us how to play a game called "Who-What-Huh". Lols, sounds kinda weird right? But its fun though. But one crazy about it was that Kelvin kept on laughing at me and Pauline (Because we were not familar with the game) like mad. His laughter was so loud -.-llThen after, we went to play UNO and can you believe it? I lost every single round and Pauline kept on winning!! We finally left at 5pm++. Thank you Jasmine and her cute little brother , Alan for accompanying us to the bus stop. But on the way to the bus stop, we met many dogs who kept on barking at us... Diao..Haha, such a fun day...
4:23 PM
Yours truly.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Hello! Another survey passed to me by Pauline. Lols.Instructions: Name 20 people you can think at the top of your head. Dont read the questions below before you write and tag 5 people to do the survey.20 People***1# Kristel2# Pauline3# Jasmine4# Seraphina5# Madeline6# Joyce7# Eileen8# Jiahui9# Mary10# Lili11# Calista12# Minqi13# Inez14# Joan15# Anna16# Nicholas17# Janice18# Heikern19# Ricky20# JunhaoHow did you meet 14 aka Joan?In CCHY, 1H =]What would you do if you never meet 1 aka Kristel?I would had missed so much fun with such a good friend =]What would you do if 20 aka Junhao and 9 aka Mary dated?This will DEFINITELY not happen cause Ahem*Did you ever like 19 aka Ricky?Ya, as a FRIEND only =]Would 6 aka Joyce and 17 aka Janice make a good couple?Erm, they dont even know each other... And they are not lesbians =]Describe 3 aka Jasmine.She's a responsible and helpful girl. Has a nice personality =]Do you think 8 aka Jiahui is attractive?Yea, of course =]Say something about 7 aka Eileen.She is always rather cheerful and is nice =]Do you know any of 12 aka Minqi's family members?Yep, her sister and mother.What's 8 aka Jiahui's favourite?Erm, I'm not sure... Paiseh!! Or is it the special person that she likes? Lols.. Pardon me wor.What would you do if 11 aka Calista confesses that he/she likes you?Haha, we're not lesbians =PWhat language does 15 aka Anna speak? Erm, English, Chinese.. I dont know le.. Haha..Who is 9 aka Mary going out with? Erm, cannot reveal =PHow old is 16 aka Nicholas now?Sweet 13 =]When was the last time you talked to 13 aka Inez?Erm, quite some time back =XWho's 2 aka Pauline's favourite band/singer?FEI LUN HAI!!! Haha =]Would you date 4 aka Seraphina? I think she has someone she likes so I dont stand a chance! Just Joking =PWould you date 7 aka Eileen?Lols, no... We not lesbians!!! I think she got her prince enough le =]Is 15 aka Anna single?YepWhat's 10 aka Lili's last name?Lim Li Li<--- =]Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11 aka Calista?Wa, I really had enough of this Gao3 Les questions. Relationship no, friendship yes =]What school does 3 aka Jasmine go to?CCHY. Same as me! Haha..Where does 6 aka Joyce lives?TampinessWhat's your favourite thing about 5 aka Madeline?Erm, her cheerfulness? She's a bubbly and loyal girl =]Have you seen 1 aka Kristel naked?No way. Haha.Name five people to do this survey.Ahhh, anyone who wants to do then go ahead.. Haha..
5:11 PM
Yours truly.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Survey from Pauline. Lols, here I go!1# Start time: 12:55pm2# Username: A lot3# Nick: Dia (Lols, weird)4# What colour (a skittle) would you be? Lols? I dont know..5# Chinese zodiac: Rooster6# Horoscope: Aquarius7# Hair colour: Dark brown8# Eye colour: Black 9# Height: 155cm10# Favourite colour: Milky white, Pink and sky blue11# Glasses? Yea...12# Braces? Nope13# Piercing/ Tattoos (Permannent or non): Ya, ear piercing14# Pet: Dont have15# Postal code: What do you want it for?~~~~~~~~~~~Have you ever~~~~~~~~~~16# Cut your own hair? Erm, abit only..17# Do something you regretted? Yep18# Hugged someone of no relationship (in blood) with you: Yep. My primary school teacher!19# Skipped school? No20# Bungee jumping? No way! I'm very timid =P21# Jump off a building? I would had gone bonkers if I did that22# Dumped someone? Not really23# TP'd someone's house? No24# Been arrested? No...25# Won something? Yea26# Been rejected? Erm, for what matters?27# Been to a funeral? Yea..28# Used a lighter? Ya29# Been on stage? Ya~~~~~~~~~~Faves~~~~~~~~~~30# Seasons: Fall & Winter31# Food: A lot!32# Ice cream flavour: Chocolate33# School subject: Erm...Dont have..34# Person: A lot35# Books: Erm, Molly moon, harry potter etc...36# Movies: A lot!!!37# Songs: Erm, a lot! But currently love Perhaps Love the most! (From Goong)38# Park? Dont have... Lols.39# State: Erm, Tokyo, Seoul =]40# Sport to watch: Badminton41# Place: Many!42# Bands: Not sure43# Letters in alphabets: Huh? Dont have...44# Restaurants: Haha...Dont know45# Cartoon/Anime characters: Er, seldom watch so forgot le46# Tv stations: Dont know..47# Name for a son: Not so lame to go and think of that now48# Name for a daughter:.....................................................~~~~~~~~~~Do you prefer~~~~~~~~~~49# Chocolate or vanila or strawberry or combo? Chocolate50# Long relationships or long friendships? Friendship is more important now51# Dogs or cats or hamsters: Hamsters52# Horror flicks or comedys or love storys or dramatic but educational or real life biographys: Erm, comedys and love storys53# Short or long hair: Average54# Croutons or bacon: Dont know...55# Kissing or hugging or (find a better description) yoga: Hugging ba...~~~~~~~~~~First thing that comes into your mind~~~~~~~~~~56# Mexico: Cowboys?57# School: Friends58# Grass: Green59# Cows: Milk60# Canada: Lols, dont know61# Mouse: Cheese!62# Hands:My nails~~~~~~~~~~The past 48 hours, have you~~~~~~~~~~ 63# Watched a movie? Yep64# Talked on phone? Yea65# Cried? Ya, while watching Goong66# Threw up? Nope67# Drank a glass of water? Of course!68# Done drugs? No69# Read a book or magazine? Ya70# Watched tv? Ya71# Looked in the mirror? Ya72# Taken a shower? Yes73# Taken a picture with others or yourself? No74# Listened to music? Yes75# Kissed someone? No76# Told someone you like them? Nope77# Felt like slapping the computer because of this quiz? No78# Thought of any guy or gal? Yes! Kim Jung Hoon! <379# Thought of who you wanna torture by making them do this quiz? Yea1# Jiahui 2# Kristel 3# Seraphina =D Wee! Done! Thank god.
12:56 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
 Joan playing the computer  Pauline's Torto tissue box holder  The monopoly  Me holding my Goong soundtrack  Pauline, Anna and me playing UNO  Torto again!  Lols, making a star shape with our fingers Hello guys! Wee! Today went to Pauline's house to play! Met Jasmine at Northpoint first, then bought her to the post office nearby cause she needed to post something to her friend. After that, took 811 to Pauline house. Joan and Anna were already there cause they went back to Chongfu to promote CCHY. Joan was playing Auditionsea when we went into her room. We then watched the "Goong" VCD and after that, Pauline and Anna went to fetch their friend up. Their friend, Renice, bought monopoly and UNO cards for us to play! Haha, thanks! Pauline's mum even went to order Canadian's pizza for us! Thanks a lot! After eating, Joan went to play Auditionsea again while the rest of us played UNO. At around 4+pm, Renice left, and the rest of us started to watch tv. We left for home at around 6pm.* Thank you Jasmine for helping me change that $2 note away! Haha =] And HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR KRISTEL! Photo credits to Jasmine and Pauline
8:50 PM
Yours truly.