Friday, September 29, 2006
Hi guys,One week didnt update le. Lols. Time passes by so fast. The weekend is here again! Let me try to recap from Wednesday onwards. Had Art lesson for the first two periods then Mr Tang was damn funny. He said "Mickey Mouse" become "Maggie Mouse" LOL! Blur liao. Then he also said what dont "De2 Cun4 Jin4 Chi3" become dont "De2 Cun4 Jin4 Metre". Haha. He is rather good to us now. Not as strict as before le. =] After that had PE lesson, played Netball again. I wanna play floorball but the boys are playing it. And I hate to go to the Netball court that area, cause they are lots of flies around! Kept on harassing people. So irritated by them LOL! On Thursday had Home Economics. But dont have practical le. But next week we should be making hot cocoa ba. Then did the test and listened to theory. Miss Nur let us book a room in the third level to rehearse for our HE project in that room. Cause we need to perform a skit. Wee! Lucky I dont need to act. Then Miss Suffy's HE group didnt do their practical again!!! AH! Pauline! You still owe me 1 cupcake xD During English lesson the whole class kena scolded by Miss See, cause many people didnt go home and find the definitions of the words we dont know. (On the 2 pieces of good phrases for composition) But she dont have time to really scold us cause we only had 1 period of English and tomorrow (which is today) we will be having our English Language 1 le. Then said that she was disappointed with us for being so complacent etc. When the lesson ended, we stood up, then she said, "I dont want to thank you all" and she left. The whole class was like so shocked and OMG! Haix. If English composition really didnt fare well then I prepare to die liao. And that like sort of dampen the whole class's mood. After recess, Science lesson was extremely fun cause we had a "Gallery Walk" in the canteen. We bought all the things we needed to the canteen then sat at different locations at the canteen. My group did the topic on drugs and Pauline bought 2 pills of panadols. LOL. While other groups did on smoking or alcoholism. Some of the groups really went to buy the beers. Got ABC beer, Tiger Beer etc. But of course all "Bai2 Mei3" de lah. However, I think is Jas de group one, after inspection from Mrs Tan and Mr Chang, was approved that we(pupils) can drink it as it did not contain any alcohol. 2 people from each group had to stay to talk about our own topic while the rest had to go around to other groups and do their worksheet. Poor us! The 4 of us, Vanessa, Me, Pauline and Eileen went around to other groups to do their worksheet like siao. Some of the charts, the words were like damn small. Then we were like complaining "Where is the answer??? Aiyo, so small how to see???" LOL! It was so hot out there, then we still need to do so many worksheet, somemore was with our ties on. Today, had to write 4 compositions. English Situation, English Composition. Chinese Letter writing, Chinese Composition. Really very tiring. Haix. Remembered so many phrases, in the end, use less than 5 of them cause all the situations in the compositions do not match with the phrases. And I dont really have time to go and recall or find any phrases to fit in. My hand was really very pain. Like gonna break down liao. But anyway, it's over. There's still so many exams coming up. So no point dwelling on it le. Wee! I'm so excited about next Friday! Cause there will be 1 group of 1H pupils playing candles together to celebrate the "Lantern Festival, Zhong1 Qiu1 Jie2" So fun!!! Joyce says need to buy loads of candles there to burn and play with. =] Really looking forward to that day! Signing Off...Diana
4:30 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, September 22, 2006
The (Girls) Happy Toilet Decoration.      Hi guys,Hmm, gonna update afew events that happened the past few days. Erm, let's start from yesterday, which is Thursday. Had Home Economics then Miss Nur taught us how to bake chocolate chip cupcake. Rather fun and this time round, we did not really have to wash up a lot of things etc. Haha! Cause I'm lazy to wash. Jkjk. It was quite successful, tasted rather well. =] After that, there was English and at the end of the lesson, Miss See suddenly announced that register 1 to 10 had to meet her outside the library after school for English oral examination. I was so shocked and got panicky cause I didnt even prepare and memorise the notes that Miss See had given me...Haix. Actually had to stay back to do Science project, but she suddenly cut in, then no choice...Lols. We started the oral around 3pm+ until 4pm+. I was the last 3 as quite afew requested to be tested first because they needed to rush off to do the "Happy toilet" etc. Was really very nervous...Plus that Jiansheng kept on nagging that he was very scared blah blah. Like an old woman nagging non-stop. LOL!!! After I finished my oral, it was about 4pm ba, around there. Jiahui waited for me so we went down to the toilet to take a look again and also to find Pauline, Madeline and Eileen. But when we reached there, they already left for home. -.-ll Lols. Cause I took too long to come out...And they wanted to go home le. Haha. The Happy toilet project was also ready for the judging, we had nothing to do le. Lols. The toilet was really very nicely done up. GREAT EFFORT!!! Must really thanks those who helped out to do the project, if not, this project would not have been so successful. Today, Mr Chua commented on our effort to make the Happy Toilet project a success. As a reward, he gave those who helped out a squishy ball (which the picture can be found in Joyce's blog) and also a merit thingy. I'm not sure. Lols. Almost the whole class was playing with that ball during lessons. Especially during Mr Ang's lesson. Most of them were playing with it, swinging it around blah blah. Haha, so funny. The funniest lesson was of course, Mrs Tan's lesson. She even managed to confiscate 2 of the balls, (for fun only) then said, one for her and one for mr Chang. LOL! But she returned them after a while. Haix, exams start from next Friday!!! There's 2 projects which I need to do, Science and Home Economics. Then Maths Test next Tuesday. Home Economics Test next Thursday. Then homework...And my art lantern!!! Omg! Haix. Really die le.Okay, enough of the crap, gonna start to work now.Signing Off...Diana
8:22 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Hi guys, This is really a very very BAD start. What do I mean by that? Cause this is the THIRD my form teacher came into the class to scold us about something this term. Omg! So damn unfortunate. It's like I didnt expect the FIRST oral examination to be taken in secondary school to be so UNFORGETTABLE for me and my class. He came into our the during the first period in the morning and told us that someone in our class, in my oral group, cheated during the oral exmaination last Friday. He continued to add on that he had discussed this matter with the examiner who had tested my group on that day and they came to a conclusion that all the pupils in my group would get a ZERO straight as to be FAIR to all. Everyone was like OMG about this matter. How could we get a ZERO when we are innocent? He then said he would want those who were involved in this matter and the culprit to confess to him during recess time. So after the confession during recess, he came back to our class and told us that the pupils who took the exam before the culprit were FREE from the blames and our marks would remain unchanged. But he didnt bother to listen to the explanations by those pupils who took the examinations after the culprit. (which most of them ARE innocent) So the rest of the pupils had to either retake the examination OR get 80% of their score for the exmaination, which was really UNFAIR. But is there anything they can do about it? They just had to accept their fate. Haix, this is really very vexing... So many innocent pupils had to take the punishments...They didnt even do anything wrong...But their presence in the classroom during the examination made him think that they also cheated. Scolded until afew of my classmates even cried in class about this matter... Haix, I dont really understand also...Just feel that it is really very unfair... Signing Off...Diana
9:12 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hi guys, Today went to DownTown East for a BBQ session with my family and relatives. Reached there about 5pm, then it started to rain... =.=ll But after a few minutes, the rain gradually stopped but it rained again after a while! Haha. Then they brought the cake out as today is my cousin's birthday. It's a doll with a very big gown which the gown is the cake itself. (Paiseh, dont know how to describe) Creamy cake with blueberry etc. After that, idle around the room, chatting, eating junk food and playing. Haha. Then the adults went outside to start the BBQ while me, my cousin, rebecca and my sister, had to stay in the room to take care of the younger ones. =.=ll Which there were 3 of them. So noisy, they jumped non-stop on the bed, ran around, then argued among themselves. Diaox. We didnt try to stop them cause we were lazy to and dont know how to. Haha. So just sat there, watched them argued and played around. I didnt even went out and helped out during the whole BBQ! The adults delivered all the food in, so all we had to do was wait in the room for our food to come xD. Secretly took some pictures of ourselves when the younger ones werent around cause they would have come and snatched my phone away if they saw it. Around 8+pm and 9+pm, we played the sparkles outside. After we had finished with all the sparkles, we lighted the candles and started to play with it using our used-sparkles sticks. We managed to light the sticks as we dapped the sticks with the candle wax. Then went to burn 1 of the leaf and twig. LOL! Then I dont know what my cousin did which cause a fire in the bush. But not a very big one lah...She managed to put out the fire after hitting the spot with her stick for several times. Haha. Then my relatives and friends were looking at what we were doing. So paiseh. Like as if we're going to set the whole place on fire. Diaox. After that, we left for home. SO tired!!! Haha. Ok, Shall stop here le. Signing Off...Diana.
11:42 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Hello,Erm didnt post for afew days le. Let's see what I can recall. Only recall that the whole class kena scolded twice this week, early in the morning, in the first period =.= What a bad start...School just reopen then jiu kena scolded le... Dampen the mood & spirit. Haha. Haix, another project le...Science project... My group need to do about "Drugs" de. Then Nicholas still asked teacher whether we could bring drug to school. Then Mrs Tan said that she will call in advance for an ambulance in the school in case anything bad happens. Lols. And I must also thank Yewyi for helping me draw the maths angle thingy. Haha. If not will kena scolded by mr Ang for not trying and not doing. Lols. Then today stayed back for Chinese oral examinations. Dont think that I will fare very well... Haha. Then after that went to Northpoint with Joyce to buy the necessary materials needed for the Happy Toilet Project. Then took bus and came back to school again, only to see Mad taking the bus which we had alighted. Haha. Went back and started to do the project. Cause they need to rush the project as Mr Chua wanna check... Quite afew of us stayed back to help. Made and prepared all the necessay materials needed then went down to the first level, female Teachers' toilet. Started to cut out the information about Antartica and pasted them on the constructions paper. Some others hung some decorations around. Do & Do until around 6+ going 7pm then went up to the library to take our bags down in case the school is really gonna close. Hsin Lu was still there looking after our belongings xD Mrs Sim came into the toilet and called us to pack up and leave cause it's rather late. She said make the toilet happy another day. Haha! So we had no choice, but to pack up and leave. Can be said as my first time of staying back so late in the school to do project. Thanks Pauline for waiting for my shuttle bus to come before she went off. =]Signing Off...Diana.
9:19 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Hello,Here to update again! Erm, today is the first day of school for term 4. Haiz, Term 4 le... End of the Year examinations are here!!! Hmm, first lesson was Science. Then Mrs Tan joked with us as usual in class today. Then next was History. Nothing much about it. After that was English. Lols. Miss See practiced with us reading aloud our oral examinations which will be starting this Friday...Haiz. Sure kena this friday le cause I'm the first few... After recess was Science again which was conducted by Mr Chang. The lesson was really boring...I was want-to-doze off in class. I nearly collapsed on the table and slept. And what's more is that Heikern kept on asking questions and Mr Chang was like looking at my direction there cause he was sitting beside me. I'm so surprised that he didnt call me up to scold me for not paying attention in class... But surely he would have noticed that I was really gonna doze off? Then I was alert and dont feel drowsy when he showed us the "Coke+Mentos experiment" which some of my classmates tried out too and even recorded it in a video. He showed us another video about the same experiment but was done by 2 scientists. It's damn funny. They bought about 102 2 litres bottles of coke for that experiment cause they were doing a musical performance or musical fountain using it. Lols! So hilarious! Watched "Homerun" during CME lesson and lastly, it was maths lesson. Mr Ang gave us back the maths test paper and the overall performance was good. Lols. I finally broke my record! My score finally hit beyond 40...Haha... Then after that, he talked to us about our examinations.Ok, GtG! Bye.
8:44 PM
Yours truly.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hi guys,Gonna update a short post cause Jasmine asked me why I didnt update...Lols. Erm, firstly, the sad thing is that the september holidays is ending soon. Haix, so sad!!! When the school reopens, there will be an oral examination le. I'm gonna die! Hope that I'm able to stay compose on that day...It's been around 1 year since I had oral examinations le...Since after PSLE oral...Haha. Cant imagine that time flies so fast! Haix, dont have any confidence in doing well in my oral although Miss See had practiced it with us. Tomorrow need to go back to school again to do History project.. So sad. Haha, but maybe we will have fun doing it! Lols. And I think that I've spent much more than I have expected this September holiday... Kept on going out... Then still need to buy birthday presents. Lols. That's no choice. Its a must-spend-money. Okay, GtG and do my art le... =]
9:10 PM
Yours truly.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Hi Guys!Wee! I finally changed blogskin le. Haha. Do tag if U can =] Thank You in advance! Hmm, today went back to school to do history project. Had difficulty getting out of bed. Haiz, had to be in school around 9:30am. Then while taking 812 to school, saw mad. Lols, got company! Then by the time the both of us reached, the rest were already there. Saw Junhao and his friends there playing basketball then after that they went up to the library (where we were also) to discuss about the "Happy Toilet Project" with their form teacher. Lols. After discussing the project for about 1hr+, we were stuck by this question which requires us to draw a layout and city planning. We couldnt figure out what it was and what's the difference between the two of them. So we decided to go and find Mr Tan and asked him about it. Unfortunately, he was not in school and we couldnt find any other teachers too. Ah, feel so ashamed facing him because I did so badly for my History... Haiz. Then after that, we all decided to go down to the HOD room to find the Head of History Teacher. Just then, Mr Lim (the vice-head principal of the school) walked past. So Cheng Hui asked him whether he could help us see if the Head of History teacher was in there. But the teacher was not there too. And in the end, we asked Mr Lim about the question. Lols. So awkward. Thankfully, after the explanation, we were able to carry on. Haha, but still we had to meet up another day because we couldnt finish it. Mad left at about 12:30pm cause she GtG. The rest of us went home around 1pm. On the way out of the school, we saw lots of primary school chinese teachers proceeding to the canteen to have their lunch (buffet) Lols, Jasmine even spotted 2 of her primary school chinese teacher. Abit scary seeing so many teachers... Some of them took the bus to northpoint to have their lunch. Lols. Then saw Alicia at the 812 bus stop too. That's all for today!GtG! Bye!
11:25 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Hi guys.Went to the Zoological Garden today. Had to wake up at 8am+ and reached there about 9am+. Haiz so sad that I had to miss sleeping longer. Got the tickets, bags, water bottles, KFC vouchers and 2 plastic bag (dont know what it's for) from my dad's company de people there. Then went in and started on the journey. Went out to KFC at about 12pm+ to have our lunch... So hungry... Didnt have a proper breakfast. Haha. About 1pm+, went back in and continued the journey. Here are the places where we went to:1. Treetops Trail2. Australian Outback3. Great Rift Valley Of Ethiopia4. Primate Kingdom5. Elephants Of Asia6. Wild Africa7. Cat Country8. Reptile Garden9. Children's World Animal Land. And watched an animal show in the Shaw Foundation AmphiTheatre. The animals performing were the lion seals, monkey, snakes etc. The performance was great! Very interesting and funny. Lols. Went to the Souvenir shop and bought 2 soft toys! 1 for me and the other for my sister. Mine is the pink monkey while my sister's is a polar bear. So happy! After that, we left the Zoo to have Ice Cream and went home.
7:32 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Hi guys!Went to Plaza Singapura today with Kristel & Yuhui. We reached there about 1pm+ then went up and shopped the whole mall. Bought quite a number of things. Haha, but Kris didnt buy anything at all! She only spent on food... Lols. After we've shopped the whole mall, we left for Marina Square! Haha, actually want to go to Suntec City de, but in the end, find that Marina Square will have more shops to shop. Then we started to get "crazy" when walking through the LinkWay to Marina Square. Kept on cracking jokes and talked about stupid things. Laughing and joking all the way. We were really very crazy all the way until we reached Northpoint. Some of the things that I've bought are Precious Thots de Sweets (packaged in a heart shape box) Nice right? Haha, erm, 1 pair of earring from More Than Words, a some sort of key-chain hanger or jacket de hanger which says "Born To Shop" Cool huh? 1 handphone pouch (rather flowery and the colours are dark enough to show the shapes of the many flowers on the pouch), then some chocolate biscuits from Action city. And I also bought a book from MPH!!! Haha, its "Bad Girls" by Jacqueline Wilson. Ah, I'mm suddenly so addicted to Jacqueline Wilson's books. Wanna buy the whole collection of them (If it's possible LOL) Then the rest of the money was on food and neoprint. Lols. *Proof* And all my money's gone! Left with just afew pathetic cents. After that we took 806 and went home. So So tired. Haha, ok, GtG now. BYE!
9:51 PM
Yours truly.