Thursday, August 31, 2006
Ello, Today my school celebrated Teachers' Day. We did the ACES exercise in the Sports Hall, right after the flag raising ceremony (In the classroom because it was raining). It was about half an hour's time and after that we went back to class and to our surprise, Mr Chua came back! Haha, he let us watched a movie (which we didnt finish watching) named, "Artificial Intelligence". To me, the movie is rather weird or some sort. Haha, dont really understand it or find it that interesting. We went up to the Multi Purpose Hall to watch another movie named, " Sorry, Teacher". It's a chinese movie produced by the mediacorp ba. It talks about a primary school life and how the teacher inspired to help the class 6F in every aspects from discipline to studies. Haiz, but maybe there was not enough time for us to watch every single part of the movie so they decided to skip some parts? Lols, then the whole school was like groaning and making boo-ing noises when they did that. Haha. After the movie, was recess time until 11am where we assemble at the Multi Purpose Hall to officially celebrate Teachers' Day. There were dances put up by the cultural dance members, a some sort of circle performance where the pupils juggle things and do what clowns do. Lols. Then there were 1H class video being screened, some other dance items put up by pupils from other classes, singing items put up by the Talent time finalists and etc. The whole celebration ended about 1pm...Then we were like all rushing back to our own primary schools because we were very late. YY, JY, Qiufen etc wanted to walk to Huamin so which left me, Mad, Shermaine and Bianca taking 812 to Huamin. But in the end, we were the last one to arrive... Haha. Went in and saw lots of ex-huaminites and also last year's batch of P6. So crowded... Went around looking for teachers... And went walked to Yuhui's house after that with Kristel and Yuhui. Then we used the her computer and explore around. After a while, Weilong called and asked us where we were and I asked him whether he could help me takeover food from Huamin to Yuhui's house. (Cause I havent had my lunch yet) LOLS! And he agreed. We invited him to come to Yuhui's house to play too haha. Then it was so funny when we all argued with him and kept on teasing him. Haha! Sort of bully. Lols. Then we finally head for home around 4+ going 5. So tired. And 1 important thing is that I got back my progress report for term 3 today too. It wasnt really well done as my marks dropped in quite a number of subjects... Only managed to achieve 3 A1s and my lowest was C5...So cham. Haiz. Really need to work hard for my History, Chinese and Science. Lastly, there's no need for any countdown for the September Holiday is HERE!!! WEE! Haha, but cannot play too much... It's meant to be for revising my work and to buck up.GtG, BB!
11:59 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Hi guys!Wee! I had a fun day today! I went out with Pauline & Weilong (One of my pri.sch friend). Weilong was late and we waited for him until 1:40pm before we proceeded to take the MRT to Novena. When we reached there, we went up to Novena Square and the first thing we saw was chocolates. Haha, so yummy & sweet. But of course it's too expensive, Lols. Then took the escalators up and shopped around for any gifts. We stopped at the MPH bookstore to buy some Teachers' Day cards. Then we couldnt figure out the which code to look at to check the price so Weilong went to ask the assistant there. Haha, it's so funny. Then Pauline and I were laughing when Weilong was asking the assistant because he explained to the assistant that the code dont match blah blah in such a funny way. I spent $8.90 on 3 cards. So expensive but no choice. After that, shopped the whole mall and walked to United Square which is just opposite Novena Square. We then headed for Toy'R'us and looked at the toys in there. Lols! Then Weilong was hungry and we went to the Basement de foodcourt to eat. After eating, we left for Plaza Singapura. But before that, we went to a shop named "Kitty Love" and we went in. It's obvious that it is a shop selling all Hello Kittys' stuff. Of course it's expensive. But I manage to buy something which I like a lot! The shop keep was so friendly and she told me about this handphone hanger which can be used as a bracelet too. She even showed the thing to me. What's more that it costs only $9.90 which I feel is very worth while. All the other things I saw was beyong my budget. Haiz. Then finally walked back to Novena MRT station and went to Plaza Singapura. The first thing we did was to take neoprint there. Haha! Then went to "More Than Words" to buy a gift for Miss See! Weilong was thirsty so we went to "Carrefour" to buy drinks and snacks. After that, we finally left for home! Then we chatted all the way in the MRT until we reached Yishun. Lols. Tired though but enjoyed myself.GtG now ! Bye!
8:16 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Hi guys,Didnt update my blog for 1 week le. I had so many tests and homework to rush... And what's more is that there's still 2 more tests next week. Next monday--> Maths. Next Wednesday--> Chinese.YAY! There's still 4 more school days to go and that's it! I cant wait. But I havent even buy anything for Teachers' Day. There will be a celebration next Thursday. And we will only be released by 12:40pm because we will be doing the ACES exercise which I've learnt last wednesday. Some of the actions/movement were really funny and weird... No offence. Then we had to do it repeatedly until the end of our PE lesson. Luckily we dont have to do it on next PE lesson le... Lols. And only by then, we can go back to our Primary School to visit our teachers. Haiz, isnt it abit too late? I miss all my primary school friends terribly! Hope that they will organise something during the holidays or meet up. Mr Chua wont be in school next week because of NS service? Lols, think so ba. Ah, Mr Ang says that next week they will be giving us back our progress card... But that's not our CA2. Haiz, I think I'm gonna fare badly... Argh, and I'm having a slight sore throat, which prevents me from talking too much, a running nose and cough. So unlucky...GtG now and rush my homework!!! Buaiz!
7:53 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Hi guys,There's lots of unhappy matters happening these past few days now and I know that I'm involved in it too. I know that I'm at fault and you guys hate me. But 1 thing that I must clear with you all is that I dont enjoy having people tease me about me and other boys. I want to stop these kind of rumours but the problem is can I? I didnt start all these rumours but didnt even wished to have all these rumours in the first place. I wanted to have peace too. But they kept on teasing non-stop and I cannot stop them, it's their right to speak and their own mouth. If you have something in mind to suggest how to stop all these, then tell me. And if you all feel that I should change, tell me too. I know I dont have the right to be angry with you all for saying nasty things about me or even scold you all back. But I will try to change and realise my wrongs. I'm sorry if this post offended some of you, but I just wanted to let you all know something rather than keep spamming my blog...Bye.
10:54 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Hi guys!Long time didnt post le. Hmm, let me recap some of the events that happened this week. My school had the National Day celebration on 8th Of August and there was a concert. Then, on the 9th Of August, it was Singapore's 41th Birthday! Haha! I had a countdown on msn with my friends Lols! I stayed at home the whole day and watched the NDP Live on TV. Went to Causeway Point the very next day, which was on the 10th Of August because there was some sort of Yellow House celebration over there. Invited Pauline to meet me after the thing, and Alicia happened to be there too. So we just shopped around, not buying anything... -.-ll So boring. I only bought 1 McFlurry, Chocolate and Sweets. Haha, very diao right? We reached Yishun at 4+pm and shopped there again until 5+... Lols. Ah! Mrs Tan is gonna give back the Science test on next monday... I'm really gonna fail.... Cham Cham le. And there are lots of tests coming up beginning from next week!!!Monday- History TestThursday- Home Economics. English Thematic QuizAnd there will also be a Maths test but I dont know which day. Another English test on Prefixes about 2 more weeks.I'm DEAD!!! Lols jkjk, Ok, I shall stop here le. BB!!!
6:16 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
 Hiya guys!The weekend is here again! And this is my first post for the month August! As we all know, Singapore's birthday is coming soon! Very soon! So I went to Tampiness with Lili, Pauline and Joyce to shop around & also to buy my red-t.shirt. We took the bus, 969 there. Then Joyce met us at the interchange and we proceeded to Tampiness Mall. We went there, shop around the gift shops (cause Joyce said she wanted to buy Teachers' Day present) In the end, we shopped until hungry le. So went to "PastaMania" to eat. I had a garlic bread and a soup while the rest ordered pasta. After eating our fill, we went to the arcade to play games! Pauline and I played the "Jurassic Park" Pardon me if I spelled wrongly. Then Pauline lost the game first, and I couldnt handle the game myself. I lost when it was stage 2 and a half...somewhere there. Then there were many people watching me play. DIAO! SO paiseh lehs. Then I was like "Ah! How to shoot? Cannot le lah! I gonna die!" LOLS! Then the four of us played a game like some sort of table tennis...But is not the ball, a flat piece of thingy... Pauline and I were 1 group while Joyce and Lili were 1 group. Then Pauline and I won 3-1. We played a total of 4 rounds/game. Yay! Pauline and I won 3 out of 4. Wee~ We were playing like mad. Then very violence not friendly match. LOL! And Joyce always use a method to trick us in order to score. LOL! Damn funny! We finally left after playing our hearts' content. =DWe then went to Century Square which was next to Tampiness Mall. Joyce and Lili went to Bata to look for her Band de shoe? Lols. While Pauline and I went to Shop & Save to buy drinks. Then went back to look for them and we went to take neoprints! Finally! There de neoprint machine so advanced and new :) How I wish Northpoint's one is also like that. After taking neoprints, we went to ComicsConnection for look around. Joyce suggested that the four of us buy the same keychains to hang. Lols! But in the end we didnt buy. :P Joyce & Lili were teasing about Pauline having a stead from the beginning till the end. LOLS! We went back to Tampiness Mall again where Pauline & I went to buy the red-t.shirt. Then went to the basement to find something to eat. After that, Pauline & I went to Macdonald to buy McFlurry. Hahax... Always eat non-stop. We shopped for awhile and left. I only bought a pair of earring, celebrity photographs and a red-t.shirt. I also donated some $$ to the charity. And the rest was spent on food. That's how I spent all my $$. Diaox. So tired...I havent do my homework yet. I'm dead!Ok, GTG le, BB!
11:18 PM
Yours truly.