Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hiya, I'm here to take the love survey passed to me by Mary.What's the best Nickname you've ever had?None. Lols, Dont really like any nicknames.Do you think suicide is the best way?Erm, of course not! It wont solve any problems and I will suffer in hell if I do that.Rate your social life from scale 1-10.7 ba.Are you in love with someone at the moment?Erm, Yes ba :)Are you missing someone at the moment?Yea, but I still have lots of homework everyday waiting for me to do...Would you die for the person you love?Maybe ba...See if the person is really my true love...Do you think love hurts?Yea ba... Guess that it's the price we've got to pay for.What's the best thing about love?I'll feel so blessed and loved! That's a wonderful feeling.What's the worst thing about love?My heart broken and shattered into pieces. That will be a terrible feeling man.Will you wait for someone you love?Most probably is will ba :)What song best describes your love life at the moment?Cant think of any yet...Do you wanna get married?Of course I want to! But that's abit too early to think of it. :P Have you talked to the person you love for the past 24 hours?Msn have...But I have never talked to him before in school...Do you keep memories or try to forget them?Of course I will keep those happy memories... But for the not-so-memorable ones, I'll try my best to forget them...Is love always on your side or the opposite way?Erm, not sure...Sometimes only ba...Are you sick of love?Not yet ba..Not so fast...Are you sick of question of love?Erm, still okay lah.What are you going to do today-tommorrow?Not idea at all! What's the song that you last download?None at all! I dont download songs...How much do you love music?Cant do without it.Do you play an instrument?Nope...But hope to learn to play.What movie did you last watch?Pirates Of The Caribbean. It rocks!Do you believe in love forever?Yup.What's in your mind right now?Finish my pile of homework.What song is in your mind now?Get High- F.I.RFive people to do this quiz:Erm, Anyone wants to do then go ahead! :):)
11:37 AM
Yours truly.
Friday, July 28, 2006
 Madeline, Me & Pauline <333 Hello guys!So busy this whole week! Not enough sleep. Erm not really lah, but I love sleeping now...LOLS! Loads of homework, projects and tests. AH! I'm still doing the History project with my group members nia...Next Tuesday must hand up le. Tmr going to Ang Mo Kia library to continue doing. Maths...I need to make cubes, cuboid, prism and also redo my circle!!! English... Journal writing about Racial Harmony, Tribute about one of the newspaper article and need to write a whole list of vocabulory etc... Immediate FAINT! My weekends, all packed with homework and project! Haix... I was nearly late for school today! AH! I left the house at about 6:30am then when I just reached the 806 bus stop, the bus left.... So I waited for another one as there's still time. Then the second bus came and it was FULL! Gosh, couldnt even squeezed in. Just my luck! Then finally I boarded the third bus...And Doreen board the bus later on too. We reached the interchange at about 7:05am... I was so late! OMG! Pauline and Eileen left. Sorry! I kept U 2 waiting for me so long... Then 812 came at about 7:15am..And I reached school at 7:20am. Haix! Heng sia! Haix, Cant do practical for HE next week cause it's theory again... :( Haiz, feel very slack these few days. Bored at the sight of my assignments...GTG now...BYE~
3:04 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Hi guys!Let me recall some important events that happened. Erm, important things were yesterday's NAPFA test which I thought I will fail terribly...Haha. But I'm glad that I passed all of them.I nearly failed my SB Jump sia. First try I failed! Second try then passed. LOL, what a close shave! So relieved that I have finally finished my NAPFA!!! Today, my school celebrated racial harmony! Haha, my class got erm 28 pupils wearing their tradional costume. Including me! Haha, everyone looked so pretty and handsome in their costume! Wakaka :) Jasmine & Madeline wear until abit too Sexy?!? Diao haha. Miss See looked extremely beautiful today! :D And she took class photos with us. Nicholas wore until like a red packet sia! Everyone called him "Xiao Hong Bao"!!! Then Samuel...He wore something same like Nicholas also. Both are Chinese costume. But his was green in colour. Then he kept on talking to Madeline!!! Haha, Eileen even took the camera and record the 2 of them! But too bad Jasmine deleted it le :( Then Samuel said Pauline, Anna and I "Gao Les" cause we kept on looking at Anna. What the! We were looking at him and Madeline loh. Tmr is Huamin de Open House! Must go back wors! Going there at 11am with my friends~GTG now! BB!
7:50 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Hi guys!Hmm, today Miss See didnt come...Maybe she's sick? Hope that she will be in school tmr...Mrs Tan is on course for this whole week...Ah, no experiments to do le! Nothing much really happen in class today. I couldnt understand the maths lesson...LOL! Then stayed back for Choir. Went to the Library with Deborah to wait for Pauline and Jiahui. Then we all chatted until 3:20pm before proceeding to the music room. Ms Ong didnt come today...So we had early dismissal! Erm, Left at about 4+pm, went to Northpoint with Deborah, Jiahui, Pauline and Sherica. Pauline and I went to presale the S.H.E album. Then we went to Macdonald where Sherica helped us ordered 3 large fries and 1 apple dip (Pauline dip) ! Wakaka. They siao liao. Still said MacPauline. DIAO! While eating, Sherica offered to help us buy drinks...Lols! Weird right...Then when she came back with the tray of drinks, she couldnt open the door leading to outside Macdonald (cause we sat outside de seats, inside full le) and she went to use her leg to kick the door! Diao lehs. Then 1 lady helped her opened the door. Haha! After eating, we went to take neoprints... Lols. Very fun lehs. Then took turns to decorate. And Sherica went to pressed next next next and in the end we didnt choose how many pieces we want to divide...Ha! But Sherica said she will treat us to a neoprint session next time! HAHA!OK, GTG le, BB!
10:49 PM
Yours truly.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hi guys!I bought Jolin, Dancing Diva de lastest edition le. Lols, gonna lend it to Pauline :) And Pauline gonna buy the presale of S.H.E de lastest album and lend it to me! Haha so funny. We gonna go np tmr to presale the album, shop around? and buy my teenage magazine!!! Haix, I wonder when will the prefect results be out. They said is this coming week...AH so soon! I'm not prepared. I know that I most probably wont get in...Cause they are only selecting 30 over 100+? Haha. Yay, I can finally tie my hair le. No need to keep combing my stupid hair in school. Lols. NaFa test this coming thursday again! Racial Harmony day celebration this coming Friday! Wee~ Haix, maybe have History and Home Economics test! There's also Huamin's Open House this coming Saturday! I'm gonna go back with my besties! Cant wait. Haix and it took me about half a year to realised who ARE my true friends and who ARE NOT my true friends. Secondary life is just so different from Primary school's one. It's lots more complicated. GTG now! BB! Take Care!
1:12 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Hi guys!I had my 2.4km run test yesterday and came in the rank of 27. About 17mins+ ba. Lols. Very tiring during the run, thought that I cannot complete the run...And after the run, thanks to Pauline, Madeline, Joyce and Eileen for taking turns to help me carry my pile of books. LOL! That's what true friends are right? Haha! Had my prefect interview just now in the afternoon about 2pm+. Ah! I was nervous and lacking some confidence...Lols. The worst is that I paired up with Heikern! Of course is he talked more than me right? Lols, but I still got to answer the questions though. But Heikern should have a higher chance of passing the interview than me. There were lots of prefect in the prefect room. Erm, there were Inez, Michal, Norman, Junhong and also afew more which I dont know. And there was Ms Wong inside too. We sat on the sofa and they surrounded us, asking us questions...Lols! Ricky still teased me that my face was as red as an apple after the interview...AH! Haha! Then I waited for LiHao and Kahay to finish their interviews before taking 812 with them home. :)GTG n0w! Bye~
7:01 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Hi every0ne! Went to CCHM today. Their school was situated at bunglows and terrence houses there..Their school is really very traditional. Very big! But a pity that I didnt get to see their lake...Anna accidentally fell down and injuired herself...Ah! Stupid drain! After that, went to join the welcome squad together with some CCHM pupils. Saw Ming En outside the hall..haha. We stood there for about 45mins? We practised smiling and clapping..And got our positions ready..Then after standing there like a stone for a period..the VIPs finally arrived......! We clapped and clapped, smiled and smiled until all went in and finally, we can relax. We went into the hall and watched the concert until 6+pm and the school bus came to fetch us home~ Was very tired and hungry after the whole thing... Ah! Next week there's health check, NAFA test 2.4km run and prefect interview!!!!!!! FAINT LIAO!! Help me!! Sianz..I'm afraid I'll fail my NAFA test and interview... I still havent finish my hw... GtG n0w. BB!
9:35 PM
Yours truly.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Hello guys!Er, was not feelings well yesterday...I had PE and I had to run 2.4km around the school 4 times...Then after that, I felt like vommiting. And during recess, I really vommited...Lols..I had Music lesson after that. Mdm Chen went and brought us to the Music room. I was being sabo-ed by Xing Lai they all.......AH!Today, I had Home Economics!!! And I learnt how to cook "Chicken Porridge". But I also had to do alot of cleaning up after cooking...We must ensure everything is clean cause the teacher will come around and check table by table. The porridge tasted okay to me. Lols....After HE was English lesson. I presented my "Word Of The Day" and there were speeches by my classmates. (To train for Oral) Then it was Art lesson which was quite fun. The topic given was "Perspective" and Mr Tang showed us how to draw according to perspective. LOL! Lessons were followed by History and then Science! We did 2 experiments today and it was fun~ Mrs Tan kept on cracking jokes with us..Haha. Saw Shermaine at my school's bus stop while waiting for the bus to come. What an surprise visit! Haha!One more thing is that I will be going to CCHM this Saturday to celebrate the school's 67th Anniversary! So cool!!! I just cant wait. Their school seems to be very big and nice. GtG n0w! BB!
6:23 PM
Yours truly.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Hi guys, I'm here to post again! Firstly, I want to talk about the Festive Drum which I watched yesterday at the Kallang Theatre. There were many CCHY pupils there. (The teachers, principals, pupils, prefects) There were alot of Drum performances put up by many schools, " ZingO, CCHY, Hwa Chong Institution, Anglo Chinese School, West Spring Secondary, Penang Chinese Girls, Yuying Secondary" and also a group called "Flexitones" who sang beautifully during the concert. Overall, I think that this concert was great and marvellous as I was totally captivated by the performances. Hope that there will be more of these performances put up by students.
12:03 PM
Yours truly.