Tuesday, May 30, 2006
 Hi guys! Long time never post le..Hehe! Got back my SA1 results. Not too bad for me... In the top 20 in the class and in the top 30 in the whole level. Must aim and score higher for my SA2. Lols. The June Holidays have started. I'm having my Choir Camp this coming Thursday. Dont really feel like going, but no choice. Ha! I have alot of homework for English... Gonna faint liao... Need to do 4 book reviews and 4 newspaper articles. :( And by the way, my school, CCHY, allows girls to have long hair le! Lols, they are testing this new rule out for 6 months... Hope that they dont change the rule. I want my long hair back :D Quite boring at home... Always do work and chiong maple. Lols! If you all wanna add me in maple, my username is : oODianaOo Still have a few slots left, so can add. Got To Go Liao, Buaiz~
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6:38 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Hi Guys! How are you all? Very busy during this few days...Cause my school mates and I were busy preparing for the Cheerleader thingy...We were busy designing banners and posters to support our school in the Mediacorp for tomorrow. We managed to finish 3 posters only..And I think that it is not enough. Wa~will be competing with Chung Cheng Main tomorrow...Diaox! Still trying to memorise the cheers now cause I went our with my family+cousins+uncles etc to eat. Very full sia! And I really enjoyed myself :D I love to be with my cousins~ Got To Rush Now! Buaiz! | |
10:19 PM
Yours truly.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Hi Guys! Today is my school's polling day and I went out with my friends.(Joyce,Calista,Pauline,Lili) Ha! I left home about 9:30am and we boarded the MRT train at 10+am to City Hall, where we walked to Marina Square to sing KBOX. Haha! We were the first customer cause when we reached there, the KBOX wasn't even opened yet..So we waited for a few minutes there. Very fun lehs! We chose many songs to sing and kept teasing each other...Calista and Lili even sang a love song together teasing about Pauline and Me...Diaox! We sang alot of songs, then went to take MRT to Somerset. We walked to Orchard OG, where we went to find Birthday Bears. LOL! We looked through all the bears for our Birthdays and our friends' de. After that, we even helped the OG people to arrange them back nicely. LOL ! So fun sia~ After that we shopped around Orchard. But not the whole of Orchard..cause no time le.We went to take neoprints too.(Srry cant show the neoprints that we took because the pictures were too small to be scan...) Orchard de Print Club de Neoprint machines so much better and nicer than Yishun de! :D Damn nice! Bought some cookies and snacks back home. Hee~Walked until my legs very pain...Lols! Went back to Yishun at about 5+pm and went to Northpoint because Lili wants to buy the comic. The comic is also damn nice haha! Ok le, gtg pack bag le. Buaiz!
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7:48 PM
Yours truly.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
 Xing Lai watching our bags :P   Xing Lai playing the slide! So Kiddy!  Samuel standing in a suggestive manner. LOL JKJK!!!   Diaox Samuel!  Hi guys! Played maple with LiLi just now! She helped me alot. Then went out for dinner at Northpoint the Hawker Center. After that, went to buy a pair of new shoes at Bata. Some sort of high heels but not really that high lols. After buying my shoes, we went to the CD shop because my sister wanted to buy Jolin's album. Hee~We then went to the MRT station de NTUC where I saw Ming En again... -.-ll Really very surprising...Firstly, saw him at IMM de Macdonald and now at Yishun MRT station de NTUC..Lolx! And now, I'm gonna show you all guys the pictures which the girls took yesterday(Xing Lai and Samuel playing at the playground & Yewyi and Xing Lai watching the girls's bags while the girls took Neoprints) Enjoy! Buaiz!
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9:22 PM
Yours truly.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Great Day!
 Front(Left to Right):Pauline, Me~~~Back(Left to right): Kahay, Eileen, Anna and Joyce(cannot see her face paiseh lolx) Hey guys! Today is a great day! I have never been so happy for quite some time. Today, Samuel, Yewyi, Xing Lai, Heikern, Pauline, Anna, Kahay, Mary, Lee Sun, Eileen, Joyce and me went to Khatib Central to compare prices of the cakes(for the class birthday celebration after exams) The girls were racing with the boys, lolx... At first, the boys ran very fast and dont care about us, while the girls happily walked slowly and cursed them to fall down. After reaching Khatib Central, we went to different cake shops to compare prices. But the prices was about the same. 1KG cake--->Min.$26. And somemore we needed 3KG...lolx. Then the boys went to buy what pancakes and soya beans to drink...LOL! Are they really that hungry??? Lolx. Then, we went to the ABC supermarket where they went to look for some plastic cups etc..for the party. After that, Samuel and Xing Lai went to the nearby playground and played... -.-ll So lame! 13 years old liao still play! Lolx, the girls followed them and even took pictures of them playing the slide! HAHA~ After that, we walked to Northpoint lehs! From CCHY walked to Khatib Central then to Northpoint. My bag was the heaviest of them all and they all kept asking me to give them to carry my bag for awhile..Lolx so kind sia! At last Xing Lai helped me to carry my bag to Northpoint. Lolx! Ty!!! We went there to look for chickens for the party( Cause Jiajun want to eat ) Firstly, we went to MiniToons where Pauline bought her comb and Joping's present, Joyce and Eileen each bought a Voodoo doll, Lee Sun bought a packet of Gummies and I bought Joping's present! Lolx, after that we went to the NeoPrint Shop to take neoprints! (Very obvious) Hee! We called the boys to help us to look after our bags, files and dictionary. Bad girls right? Heikern left before we went to take the neoprints cause he need to go to Woodlands. Then Samuel left while we were taking NeoPrints...Cause he said he dont have patience to wait for us...Not gentleman enough! So left Xing Lai and Yewyi to look after the bag. Poor them! Yewyi very the toot lehs..Stand there like statue and the look so Guai de.. Lolx. After taking the Neoprints, we went to ComicsConnection to look for erm photos of celebrity and comics etc. I found 2 nice photos of Cyndi Wang and bought them immediately! Lolx! Finally we went to the Cold Storage to see the Chickens..LOL!!! Then they argued about this and that and then we left. Lame! After that we finally parted, and Joyce, Pauline, Kahay, Anna and I went to the Food Court to have our lunch! I was so famished..after walking here and there..After eating, we left the Food Court, and while we just step out of the Food Court, we saw Mrs Reteesh! She was buying Malay Food and I think she saw us... Lolx..we were too surprised to see her and quickly fled while we could and ran up to level 2 where we started our Window Shopping..(cause all broke le..) Hee~After that, Anna, Pauline and I took 804 home..I was so tired when I reached home..ok I think I should stop writing le :D Buaiz! All the best for your exams!
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8:25 PM
Yours truly.